Wednesday, November 24, 2010

A giving of Thanks - 60 Day Challenge Results are in!!!

The 60 day challenge is over and the results are in.  We have had another successful 60 day challenge and the results are as impressive as ever.  This is my pay it forward,  helping people change gaining confidence, having more energy and getting in touch with their passion and their body.
We had some amazing results including a 27lb weight loss, 9lb muscle gain, over 100 inches lost, and the strength increases were astonishing even to the experienced.  Honorable mention to Shannon, she had a goal of one full pull up and she hit a home run knocking it out of the park with 4 clean full pull ups.  Keep in mind she walked in not being able to do 1.  That is how we do it!!!  
The other honorable mention goes to Jason who at the start could not do a back dome and take a look at what he is doing now.
Not only did he add a great deal of flexibility but also strength  to his posterior chain, shoulders, wrists.  That is loaded with two 12K (26lbs ea) Kettlebells.  He held this for over a minute and is continuing to clean up his positioning.  BTW, Jason has laid down a challenge.  "I am coming for you Jon" says Jason to MBG founder Jon Hinds (aka The Silverback).  Gotta love it.
I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all the 60 Day Challengers for being willing to commit themselves, trust the process and work their butts off.  I am so proud of each of you, even though I only mentioned a couple of you here.  Each of you is a CHAMPION in your own right, the results are secondary to the willingness to challenge yourself, put your butt on the line and LIVE, this is the essence of what life is about.

Be safe Brothers and Sisters,
P.S. Next Challenge starts January 8th, 2011 enroll at


1 comment:

  1. awesome kevin!! love it my friend and love to see jason kicking ass on the back dome with the 12s!! that is awesome!! Glad you and your team are MBG3ing my friend! WE ARE CHANGING THE FITNESS WORLD!!:) great job my friend!
