Monday, January 10, 2011

Let the 60 Day Challenges begin...

Yes it is that time again.  Time to set new goals, try new ways of "being"  and in general get out of your complacency.  The 60 Day challenge process is about more that weight loss or muscle gain it is really about challenging the old view of yourself and creating a new way of "being".  The weight loss, muscle gain, inches lost, performance goals achieved etc etc are the by-products of you finding a new way of doing your life.  Letting go of the past, creating new pathways getting out of your rut and experiencing life.  Many people with start a new "Diet" with their New Years Resolution, we do not do resolutions, we make S.M.A.R.T goals that lead us to a new way of "being".  It is my belief that most people today should not call themselves a "Human Being" instead a more accurate representation would be a "Human Do-ing"  there is no "being" in their life vocabulary.  What does all this mean?  Is it just Kevin playing with semantics or splitting hairs?  Read on my friends and I will let you decide and comment.
Let's look at a couple of important definitions for our discussion.  1. Human Being is the third album from SEAL. LOL no not that definition. Let's break it down.  Human-any living or extinct member of the family Hominidae characterized (get this) by superior intelligence (Hmm), articulate speech (double Hmm), and erect carriage (quadrupled Hmmmm)
Apparently, Wikipedia and I have different friends.

Being: Is an English word used for conceptualizing subjective and objective aspects of reality including those fundamental to the self.  Related to and somewhat interchangeable with the terms "Reality", "Existence", or "Living".  
Confused?  Let's take it a little deeper "IF" and that is a BIG "IF" we are to be a Human "Being" we must have both an Objective experience and most importantly a Subjective or internal experience.  OK! now we must agree   when we are talking about subjective experience we are talking about the sensory buzz (what are we hearing, seeing, feeling, tasting, feeling) and awareness associated with a conscious mind.
Now I just have to relate this to our topic of a 60 Day challenge and I am home free.  Don't worry I am getting to it.
So what my challenge is to you is that you set your 60 Day goals with this in mind, given that we are the masters of our own little universe and that we are in a different state of "being" at various points of the day.  (example: at work I am being sad, or happy or focused etc etc)  Many of us have different ways of "being" throughout the day at work I am being punished (woe is me) when I am with my boyfriend/girlfriend I am being "in love" in other words I am experiencing the feeling of love.  Understand?  Now we can change our experience at any time just by choosing to do so.  Yes it is true! for quick NLP techniques for changing or creating the Perfect State (Of Mind).

I want you to take each goal you set and ask this question.  1. In order to reach said goal what state of "being" do I need to be to have already reached said goal.  For example if my goal is to loose weight.  What state of being do I need to create to feel like a Lean & Green warrior?  How does a Lean & Green Warrior feel, smell, taste, how do they think? How do they workout?  How do they eat?  Once you have answered this question, close your eyes and create those feelings.  From then on you keep trying on that feeling of "being" and just like any muscle when worked it will get stronger.  And as a result of "being" that way you will achieve your goals easily.

Let's take a more internal view this 60 days, let's feel (embody) the movements not just do them (this is what Jon Hinds is talking about when he says Soul Training).  Let us take a deeper view of our goals and really take to chance to change our outcomes and therefore our results.

The focus of my next 60 Days will be to deepen my practice of yoga, so experiencing in as many different forms, classes and teachers as well as doing some privates. Most importantly establishing a daily personal practice.  As well as to re-establish my meditation practice.  So my goal is to be a Lean & Green Spiritual Warrior.  To reach my goal I will have to be "being"  ...Introspective,Determined & Disciplined.     Looking forward to being with you on this journey.
Stay thirsty my friends...for growth not water.

Don't believe me, good!  Do it and prove me wrong.  If you have questions or comments let me know.

Be Safe Brothers & Sisters,


1 comment:

  1. awesome post my friend:) it is much more than sets and reps, fat and how to "BE" is ultimate and you said it perfect:)
    thank you for saying this kevin!!
