Monday, November 15, 2010

The training sticks with you.

This past weekend I had the opportunity to pull out a skill set I have not used since the 80's (yes, I know some of you were not born yet).  You may not know that in my former life I volunteered for Navy SEAL training.  The training BUD/S is one of the toughest trainings the military has to offer.  Since the time I was fifteen all I wanted in the world was to be a Navy SEAL.  Back then you could not find any information on what a SEAL did or was unlike today where many SEALs have written books and the training has been featured on a Discovery channel show.  To say I was obsessed by it was an understatement everything I did had the eventual goal of preparing myself for my career as a SEAL.  I was raised in Alaska and spent the summers "in training" at Ft. Wainwright Army base at the gym and tried to turn every chore as a opportunity to prepare myself .  I studied tracking, shooting, rafting played every sport available to me (lettering in swimming, rifle team, hockey, football, basketball, and getting a black belt in Karate)  all in preparation for the day I could go to training.
I had to keep all the training and my desire in secret due to my parents wish for me to attend medical school.  Talk about the NAVY was a no go.  My Step-Father Msgt. David L. Lewis was 20 year veteran of the Air Force and did his best to "help" me avoid a career in the military.  But as you know I am a bit of a hard head and when I make up my mind well "come hell or high water" I am going to see it through.
Fast forward to this past weekend, I had a bit of apprehension when asked by KMW Force training division to assist with the H2H n H2O training for a number of reasons the least of which it has been a "LARGE"  number of years since I have done small boat operations in a surf zone.  And adding the fact that I can not longer regulate my own body temperature (which I so painfully learned in BUD/S) on my own due to the Thyroid cancer and removal of my Thyroid gland. As well as wondering how I would preform on my plant based diet.
All in all it was a GREAT day!!  My small boat operations training came back quickly (amazingly so) and with some basic shadow boxing, calistetics and a few layers of clothes was able to manage my body temperature well.  I the most amazing realization I had was in my energy level and stamina through out the day. I made at least 8 trips out and back through the surf zone with hastily thrown together boat crews.  I even got a bit of praise from Amir Perets (Krav Maga instructor and former Israeli Special Forces member) on my boat handling and training.  The thing I felt the best about was how pain free I was (not normal) and how well my energy level stayed up through out the day with limited meals.  Limited meals: 2 bananas, 1 coffee and some cashews all day.    Not a great day for eating but was able to prove to myself that I can still be mission ready and maintain my Plant Based diet.  Note to self: Remember your Dry Suit next time.  LOL!


I have maintained my Plant Based Diet for over 55 days now and have not experienced any let down or loss of muscle and have not suffered in anyway.Well except at the hands of my meat eating friends (Jeremy Stafford who think I have turned into "an elitist @*$hole" who has changed his sexual orientation.   This represents a MAJOR win for me (not the ahole part), and a MAJOR paradigm shift in my eating mentality.  So if this 47 yr old former Bodybuilder can change his animal based eating so can you.  Coming soon the results from the 60 day challengers.

Be Safe Brothers and Sisters,


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