Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Assesment Day: Otherwise known as the day of reckoning

What a day! Wednesdays is a full day for me involving Mentoring Trainers, Meeting for MBG-LA and teaching two classes.  The fulfillment I get out of give back to my clients, members and mentored is what makes the long hours and impacted schedule worth it.  So today was assessment day for myself, Dixon and Dave as well as the youth training classes. 
I don't know if you are aware of the sad state of fitness our kids are in, but there is a a ray of hope seeing the difference we have made already in the year we have been in Moorpark. It shows that a few with a clean clear intention can help others change and blossom. Big kudos to Zac and Jon for carrying the MBG3 to our young athletes.
OK, back to assessment day, there is a moment when you know that a realization is coming and yet your mind continues to keep you in just enough denial to allow you to continue your complacency.  Assessment day is that reality check that we all know that we need but wish would never come.  Like I said before it is time to up my game again.  The decline I have allow myself to enjoy started largely about 10 years ago with a diagnosis of thyroid cancer.  The big C, talk about a paradigm shift.  I have since used it as an excuse to allow myself to not be as disciplined with my eating and training as I have in my past. 
The Assessments:
Neck 15"
Chest: 44.5
Arm: 13.5
Waist 38.5 Dave the joker that he is told me it was 44 at first and I was shocked to say the least.  Considering that I had a 30"waist most my life this was the killer for me. Now that is some motivation.
Hips: 40.5
Thigh: 21
Lower leg: 16.5
Body Weight: 206.6 (My fighting weight 176 kickboxing)  another big WOW!!
Strength Assessments:
Power Wheel crawl: 60yrds (stopped due to nursing an injury)
Jump Rope: 150 fwd/150 back Time 1:50 min alternating legs
Chins: 13 dead hang palms facing
Extensions: 27 in 30sec
Lunges: 30 w 12k/hand in 1 min
Push ups: 20 w Power push up 1 band

I have to tell you that Dave had a great laugh at my expense and as for me my heart sunk, 44" WTF??? I almost went off the deep end until he told me.  Although, 8 solid inches of extra FAT on my waist in not cool. I am most disappointed with my power wheel crawl just last month I did 60 yards with a 40lb weight vest. Unacceptable!
Denial is not just a river in Egypt my friends. 
Ok, TIME TO GET TO WORK KEVIN!!!!  My covers have been officially pulled. 

MBG 1: Training
Assessment Day just taught classes today and did my tests.  Did some play with Handstands today in between classes.

MBG2: Restoration
2 full ES Yoga beginner sequence with my classes.  This is currently helping me restore mobility to my right low back and left hip flexor which are the reason I did so poorly on the power wheel today.  First day with no pain so that is an improvement I can verify.

MBG3: Plant Based Eating

Good food all day.  Sun Warrior protein (brown rice) drink for breakfast w blueberries, greens, rice milk, water.  Note to self blue + Green = A Brown drink  taste good looks not so good.

Lunch: Vegan Bean & Squash Soup at Natural Cafe in Moorpark, Good and Good for ya.

Dinner:  See Below.  Awesome Jethro bowl of salad with Quinoa & cranberries, broccoli, 2 sm red potatoes, spinach, spring salad, tomatoes and light balsamic.  2 Dates to satisfy the sweet tooth.

Ok that is it for today I am off to bed.  Early day tomorrow. Good Night. 

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