Wednesday, September 29, 2010

It's Natural

I am still having a great time with my research and finding a lot of great information on plant based nutrition.  Today was a crazy busy day with teaching, mentoring trainers, business meetings and Daddy taxi.  Eating a lot of great food and feeling very energetic, still no coffee.
I want to recommend a book "The Bodies Many Cries for Water" go to  Monkies we have to up the water intake to promote weight loss and proper hydration.  At least 2 quarts per day.  Time to get rid of all the displacement drinks and return to what you body wants and needs WATER.  It doesn't want coffee or Gatorade and especially not sodas.  On Saturday at 10am I will be giving the water lecture to the 60 day challengers.

MBG1 Training
Today taught two MBG classes with warm ups and ES yoga.  I did a lot of cueing on the ES tonight, the feedback really makes a difference and I can see the changes.  Such a good feeling.
I did 3 sets 5 reps weighted chins w 30lbs weight vest and ring dips.  True strength work.  Love it.

MBG2:  Restoration
ES yoga with the classes and some extra work to open up my low back.  I was feeling a tightness in my low back and used the ES Yoga to loosen it up.

Sleep: 8 full hours and jump up today totally energetic. 

Meditation: 15 min was all I could squeeze in today, had a good sitting though.

MBG3: Plant Based Nutrition
Breakfast: Sun Warrior Brown rice protein drink w blueberries and greens.
Snack 1:  Green Drink and almonds
Lunch:  Lunch at Natural Cafe ordered a veg juice drink w kale, beets, wheat grass, celery etc, and grilled veggie plate w brown rice(cut in half saved other half for dinner) and cup of Lima bean soup.
Snack 2: Goji green bar for Amazing Grass
Dinner: Hummus, rice chips, and second half of veggie brown rice plate

Loving how I am feeling so much energy and feeling more mental focus.

Be Safe brothers and sisters,

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