Friday, September 24, 2010

When life gives you lemons, make lemon water for your fast

Today was the beginning of a 3 day cleansing fast with  Lemon water, Juice and herbal tea.  The purpose of a fast is to give you intestinal tract a break, often times specific types of juices are used to detox kidneys and liver as well.  The lemon water changes the ph of your body water.  There is also another reason to fast at the start of a new eating plan because it serves to break all you old eating habits.  For example many people eat for the following reasons Time of day, Places (in front of the T.V. etc), People, Boredom, and programing (clean your plate etc).  By limiting your choices and breaking your routines it give you a fresh start.
I am not giving the details of the fast because I don't want you crazies running off half-cocked.
My energy levels have been good today and I finally passed the kidney stone that has been working it's way through my body.  They say the pain of passing on is as close as a man will come to giving birth but having witnessed that I would say that it was not even close.  Much respect to the mommies out there.

MBG 1: Training
Today due to starting the fast we were not supposed to train, but we trained anyway.  The workout was 15/15 for 30 minutes.  10 minutes of clean and press, 10 minutes of KB swings and 10 minutes of hanging leg raises.  Great workout with the MLC.  My neck is a little sore but I will fix that with some Eichens yoga tomorrow.

MBG 2: Recovery
ES Yoga Beginner sequence 1x

MBG 3: Plant Based Nutrition
Lets just say it went something like this Lemon water, Juice, Lemon water, Juice, Lemon water, Herbal Tea
Trying out a new Yogi band herbal tea Kidney and Liver detox: I give it a 6 out of 10 tastes good and get the added benefit of increasing Kidney and Liver function.  BONUS! 

Looking forward to tomorrow after teaching at in Moorpark. I am going to the Grand Opening of Elite MMA training center owned by the one and only EL Guapo Bas Rutten.  Congratulations to Bas and crew.

Be Safe Brothers and Sisters,


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