Thursday, September 23, 2010

Walk, walk, walking the walk. . . .

I have had a song running through my head all day and it is one of those songs that make you smile because of the memories attached to it, a day of smiles and chuckles.  Not a bad way to go through a day.  Oh, the song it's from when the girls were little, the song of a big purple dinosaur named Barney, so those of you who have kids and have had to watch a DVD of him about a zillion times you know what I mean.  "I got a new way to walk. . . Walk! Walk!"  can still remember the girls and I marching around the living room.  LOL! 
Taking the advice of Jessica from MBG - Madison and since I have not counted calories in a few years and since I have not switched to the iPhone and set up an account to track my weight loss (another thing I don't normally track) to make sure I don't over or under eat my caloric intake.  My estimated daily caloric intake is 2,300 cal by 1pm I had only consumed 700 cal and was feeling fine, but that is the fast track to muscle loss and slowing my already sluggish metabolism (remember no thyroid have to take synthroid daily). 
Tomorrow we Dixon and I start the 3 day Juice fast, we do not have all clients do this as we need to dial in the process with a little more experimentation meaning using Guinea pigs like say. .. Dave, Dixon and I. 
Justin has already been through the process and is currently throwing tofu shaped shrimp on the Barbi.
Had an afternoon caffeine withdrawal headache and when to reach for my green tea but it seems someone beat me too it.  Yep, there is no doubt (not that there was) that I HAD a caffeine addiction going, had being the operative word, after the fast it will be done.  As a public service I am suggesting that you approach with me with caution the next few days as I tend to get cranky with out FOOD, Caffeine and sugar.
MBG1: Training
No actual workout today, taught Intro fight class at Krav Maga warm up and drills it was week 1 of the curriculum so not a real strenuous workout. 

MBG2: Restoration
Did a warm up with Down Dog/Up Dogs and some table with a client.  Did some TFT or EFT to let go of some negative though process and limiting beliefs.   TFT is a great stress release so check it out.  I believe it is important to have tools for dealing with stress, limiting beliefs, pain etc as a overall part of your lifestyle.  If you have never experienced it let me know and I will do some work with you if you want.  Another one of my areas of study is Clinical Hypnotherapy, EFT and NLP and we will be delving into process for goal achievement, limiting beliefs and letting go of negativity.

MBG3: Plant Based Eating
I am feeling very energetic with all of the high quality fruits, nuts, juice and plants I have been eating.  Pleasantly surprised. : )
1 banana, 1 apple, 1 cup coffee

Lunch:  Organic V drink from Whole Foods, 1 piece Ezekiel bread, 2tsp barney butter (Barney? dam the song again, this is almost as bad as the "song that shall not be sung" from the happiest place on earth.

Snack 1: 3 dates, Essential Green Drink 8 oz,  2 tsp Hummus and Pecan Nut-thins 1 serving
snacking on cashew, almond and cranberry nut squares from Fresh and Easy.

Dinner: My usual Large Jethro bowl of salad w/ quinoa, 1/4 avocado, 1/2 tomato, cabbage, spinach, spring mix , light balsamic dressing 2 tsp.

Overall, a great day, accomplished a good deal of work, energy levels have been consistent and only minor
withdrawal symptoms from caffeine.
Be safe Brothers and Sisters,


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