Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Wow!  Another day in the books already and I still have so much to do.  Great energy levels today, can you believe this former caffeine-a-holic went until 1pm today with ZERO (0) caffeine?  Amazing right?  I had some green tea at 1pm so I could focus in on some writing.  This show two things. 1. I had a BAD caffeine habit going.  2. My energy levels are up due to the new plant based eating.  I did a ton of research today and discovered that there is alot of information out there about PB eating,  so I have given myself another assignment to help us all sort out what is useful, what is healthy and better yet what is useful for us Monkies.  It seems like some people are using the vegan thing to eat a lot of low quality foods with the rationalization that its vegan so it must be OK.  We will sort it all out together so we can pass it on to the next generation of newbies. 
Had a great training today with the MLC ( it's just a nickname for the Monkies I workout with in order to be PC in the environment we are working out in)  Gotta be PC.  I tore through the workout, I love all the fighter workouts because I am used to all the movements and I get a double whammy out of it.  1. Re-enforce basic movement patterns for combat.  2. Get my workout in.  Thus, the d-dub. 

MBG1: Training
MBG Fighter workout 3X AFAP
20 Ball Slams, 40 Sit Outs, 60 Double Jumps, 80 Fast Hands w ropes 100 Resisted Punches  w rotation (no cardio punching! That is my pet peeve.)
Time 17:40 on my best round I did 35 Double Jumps without stopping, my personal best is 150 but that was in High school
MBG2: Restoration
Good Sleep and 15 minutes meditation
ES Yoga as part of my warm up and did Down Dog/Up Dog and Bridge after workout to let go of some tension in my back from the Double Jumps.

MBG3: Plant Based Nutrition
Tracked all my meals on www.myfitnesspal.com and set them an email offering to help them update the exercise tracking portion it is a little to gym-my w only space for cardio or strength training and no high intensity interval training at all. 

Some grains: Brown Rice (my choice) and evaporated cane juice crept its way back into my plan, (due to not reading a label )

I will be sharing the results of some of my research tomorrow and I got BIG plans in the works for us Monkies (yes, I am choosing to use the bands spelling of Hey Hey were the Monkies)

Be safe brothers and sisters,


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