Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Day 2 Walking the Walk

I am pleasantly surprised that I have only minor caffeine withdrawal symptoms,(slight afternoon headache).   I have cut from my normal SB Venti w/add shot (called a Red Eye in SB lingo) to one cup of homemade organic coffee and a 2pm shot of Sencho shot (Green Tea) unsweetened of course. The green tea is a good substitute for weening off of the crazy caffeine levels I have been partaking in and provides 152mg of Catechin Tea Antioxidants to help repair the damage I have done to my system. 
Whether I am preparing a program for myself or a celebrity client of mine, or setting up a new business venture I always follow the same process.  1. Begin with the end in mind. "Ask what do I want the end result to be?" 2. Assess current situation. In this case strength test, measurements, nutritional assessment  3. Goal setting 4. Make a plan.  5. Execute the plan
Let's talk big picture for a second (Step 1. Begin with the end in mind). 
The end result I am looking to achieve is as follows;  In the next 60 days I will  reduce my current body fat while maintaining my current Lean Body Mass (LBM). Improving my energy levels and over all health by implementing a satisfying healthy plant-based diet that gives me energy and vitality. I will increase my current strength levels by following a program of 5x per week of MBG classes both on my own and with the MLC (Monkey Love Crew) with daily Eichens yoga (Beginner Sequence).  I will know I have achieved these results when:
The Goals:
1. I have completed my transition to a Plant Based Diet, removing coffee and processed sugar.
2. I have completed the 100 yard Power Wheel Challenge easily in under 2:30 sec.
3. I have walked on my hands for 5 yards with control. Handstand Walk 5 yards.
4. I have completed 4 Ring Muscle ups with flow and correct form maintaining my false grip.

Ok, so you will notice that I am painting a picture for myself with some realistic goals that fit our S.M.A.R.T. plan.  Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely.  They goals are presented in a positive and present tense as if I have already achieved them and they are specific all very important aspects of goal setting.  Also, I am combining a couple of steps here both 1 & 3.  I will be doing measurements tomorrow with Dave and Dixon (the spudboy) as well as our fitness assessments. I will let you know the results tomorrow. 

The MBG3
MBG 1: Training
Update; yesterday was not a complete day off as expected.  I got a call from PappyDog that the NOHO Dog Brothers were training at Gokor's Hayastan Grappling Academy and since I love training/learning I jumped at the chance.  We did 1.5 hours of training in various aspects of Kali Tudo or DBMA (Dog Brothers Martial Art) including basic striking patterns w/sticks, clinch work w/sticks, combining stick striking and combatives (punches & kicks), ground work w/sticks and knives (puts a whole new spin on grappling) and finished with basic throws from the clinch.  Good time had by all and about 5lbs of water loss from good hard training.
Did a great Body weight Endurance workout with the MLC (Dixon, Jarretta, Brianna, Sasha & Kristine (TKHO) in attendance Nick and A.J. had excused absences for work.  Eve the second Robo-Chick (Eve & Jarretta) is on the road with Carrie Underwood as of today and was missed as she always makes us (ego driven males) up our game to save face. We did 20,30,40,50,40 of 1. Med ball sit ups 2. Skaters 3. Log Jump 4. Wall Ball 5. Burpees  this workout for a BW workout is a butt kicker it took us 40 minutes to get most of the way done (Dixon & Kevin), Jarretta and TKHO crushed it and completed an additional rounds of  30 & 20.  Bad Asses!!

MBG 2: Restoration
ES Yoga
1 round of the Beginner Sequence, helped to open up by low back which was sore from the throws of the previous night.  Felt good and opened up after as usual.

Sleep & Meditation
30 min of meditation last night followed up with some reading of "Zen and the Art of Recovery". Sara (Dixon's dog which he rescued from near death with the help of A.J.'s wife Stephanie) joined for the meditation.  Not sure if she has as hard a time letting go of her attachments as I do, well except her favorite toy.  Had a great sleep and a lie in to 8 am my normal wake up is 6 so that felt great today.

MBG 3: Plant Based Nutrition
Breakfast: Home made Coffee 1 cup and 15.2 Fl oz of Essential Greens drink

Post workout snack: Essential Greens Drink and 1 piece of Ezekiel bread w Barney Butter (almond)

Had lunch with Dave to discuss MBG Moorpark daily plan salad from Champagne.

My usual Jethro bowl of salad and steamed veggies. 

Tip when getting off of processed sugar a good substitute are dates they satisfy the sweet tooth in a much healthier form.

Overall feeling very good and optimistic about the fast "looming" ahead.

Take Care and be safe brothers and sisters,


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