Thursday, September 30, 2010

Weird, weird day today.  Noticed a lot of syncranistic things today, going to take it that I am in the right spot and the right time. Winding down now and watching the WEC fights happy to see our friends from Team Tompkins all get the W tonight.  It is when watching T.V. at the end of the day that usually triggers, what I call my "unstoppable stomach" cravings causing me to reach for the snacks. 
If you are like me then using the 7 P principle will help you out.  (Prior, Planning, Prevents, Piss Poor, Performance) 'Make sure you have healthy snack around so you don't reach for the junk.   If you have a sugar habit to fix then I recommend adding more fruit to your diet during the day and using dates to curb the cravings. A single date will give you a nice burst of sugar without the negative side effects of the processed sugar.  I used dates to kick my sugar habit and you can too.

MBG1 Training
Teaching Day, taught intro fight class w warm up and sparring drills. 

MBG2: Restoration
ES Yoga with clients and a sequence of Down Dog and Back Dome to warm up for teaching.  Feeling more strength in the back dome from doing it on a regular basis.

MBG3: Plant Based Nutrition
Breakfast:  2 Bananas, 1 Essential greens drink
Snack1: 1 Banana, 1 Amazing grass bar, White Tea
Mid Day:  Veggie paddy, red pepper, green salad w balsamic & coconut water
Snack 2:  Nuts, dried apricots, Water
Dinner:  Large spinach salad, w red, green, yellow peppers, broccoli slaw, dried cranberries w balsamic
Snack 3: Dates, raw cashews, water

Great food today, energy level has been good.  I had a lull about 10 am but after my snack I felt much better.  Not sure what got me so bloated today but I am sitting here with a serious "food baby".  Don't really  enjoy that feeling. 

Prepare your meals ahead of time, have a plan, follow it and get the results you desire.

Be safe brothers and sisters,


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