Friday, October 1, 2010

Energy to burn

The energy I am feeling with our new Plant Based Nutrition is amazing me.  I flew through the day up at 6am to run to Thousand Oaks to see my client Eddie he rocked his workout this morning.  Jumped in the car and raced (at 40 mph) across the valley to meet the MLC for a workout.  Managed to only be 15 minutes late, we did a different workout from MBG-LA due to lack of proper equipment and we had been on a major kettlebell run this week so I want to give us just a mindless sweat.  My energy was amazing (and with no caffeine) as well as my cardio was improved due to my being fully hydrated and fueled by strong plants.  My overall sense of well being has improved as well. Yesterday I had a veggie patty that did not sit well must have been the binders, since the cleanse I am much more in touch with what foods work for me and what does not.  So far veggie patties are a Big No go.
Really enjoyed the workout today with the MLC, great bunch of workout partners and we just get in the zone and go.  A Big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Brianna this weekend. 

MBG1: Training
WOW: Body Power 5x AFAP
20 Hindu controlled jumps, 20 Kettlebell swings, 20 Body Rows, 100 Jump Rope Fwd/Back

This was a great sweat and we flew through it.

MBG2: Restoration
Sleep as been a little off due to resetting all this new found energy, waking up early.  Getting good sleep.
Did the hot/cold/hot/cold shower after workout to flush the lactic acid from my system and regulate my post workout body temperature.  (this is a great way to feel refreshed after an intense workout and help recovery)
follow this blog and I will give you my recovery checklist.
ES Yoga before and after workout.  Basic postures to warm up and then loosen up my low back after.

MBG3: Plant Based Nutrition
Breakfast: Banana, Essential Green Drink & Amazing grass bar
Snack 1:  Essential Green Drink and Amazing grass bar (post workout)  Saw 2 Hot Brownies at Whole Foods.
Mid Day: Bowl of Kashi cereal w Rice Milk
Snack 2:  2 brown rice cakes with hummus
Dinner: Three bean salad w mango salsa
Looks yummy does it not?  Quinoa, Brown Rice, Red Kidney Beans, Chickpeas, Mango salsa

Looking forward to the 60 day challengers check in tomorrow, I hope they have been good.  Also, teaching with Master Darren Levine for STOP CANCER and the Marni Fund

Be safe brothers and sisters,


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