Sunday, October 3, 2010

Rollin, rollin, rolling get those doggies rolling, Rawhide!!

I was watching the Blues Brothers last night and had forgot what a fun movie that was and full of talented people.  Love the music, I gotta serious case of the boogie woogie blues, it is a far site better that the Sugar Blues I have been having for the last year.  We are going to talk a lot more about the sugar blues and how be get rid of them at a later date.  Today was a whirlwind of a day and I just got to sit down for the first time now 1:23am.  I taught my morning class at MBG-LA and man did they rock the workout no matter what level they were working (stability, strength or power) they all pushed it, while keeping their alignment right. I can tell you after seeing some other workout systems this is not the case usually it all Ego, competition and reps with no eye for the form or alignment.  That my friends is what I call "Heavy Stupid Training"  or it can also be called the "Joe Weider Show off Principle".  Joe always liked to put his name on every training principle branding, branding, branding.  I had my time of HST (Heavy Stupid Training) and have the damaged joints to prove it. Stick with us folks and we can save you the major training injuries.  Balance is the key.  After the workout I met with the 60 day challengers, they are on point and we finished off the follow up with a discussion on the importance of water.  Water, water, water whenever you hear, see or think about water it will remind you to DRINK WATER! You will have to make my water lecture to get the details on the body mechanism that are involved but for now I want to ask you one question.  What is the first indicator that you are dehydrated?  Post your answer in the comment section or leave me a message on my Facebook. 
After the lecture it was a quick Superman change into my Krav attire so that I could drive the 30+ miles to the Krav Maga Worldwide training center to assist U.S. Chief Instructor Darren Levine teach a seminar to benefit the Marni Fund (dedicated to Darren's late wife Marni Levine).  Darren taught a great seminar dealing with knife threats standing and on the ground.  I managed to escape injury which is no easy task.  Whew!
At the end of the seminar Darren thanked all who had come and shared with them about Marni, saying that Marni thought of me as her trainer.  That got me!  Almost broke down.  Marni was such a special person, instructor, Mother and mentor and in my eyes was the guiding force of Krav Maga here in the U.S.  I still miss her wise council and sparkling spirit.  She was more of a warrior than I will ever be.  Her memory still inspires me to the better parts of my character daily.  No longer with us but never forgotten. 
From the seminar I was off to packing and moving.  I am in process with a move and determine to plan ahead so that this move does not effect my momentum.  So far so good.  It is all about planning meals and workouts as well as having a good moving plan.
OK, on to the daily MBG3.

MBG1: Training
Prior to and during class knowing that I would not have much time to train, I decided to sneak in some Play time on the monkey bars, swinging, jumping from side to side and doing inverted travel on the monkey bars. Not every workout has to be sets and reps.  Some of my best workouts come when I just do have fun.

MBG 2: Restoration
Did some ES yoga postures in warm up and cool down with the class.

MBG 3: Plant Based Nutrition
Lots of good food to day, bananas, yams, green drink, broccoli, left over three bean salad and a great salad after moving boxes at Wood Ranch BBQ known for its garlic rolls and tri tip. I stopped in during one of my Daddy Taxi trips to grab a bite. 
Looks good!!  BBQ chopped salad with Portebello mushrooms and added steamed broccoli.  Yum and filling.
OK, I am off to sleep.

Be Safe Brothers and Sisters,


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