Monday, October 4, 2010

Hello Monday Monkies,
When we talk about recovery many of our clients think that recovery is mainly about protein uptake post workout.  Which shows you just how well they have done with marketing Whey Protein.  But recovery is much more involved than that and includes all of the following:
____ Post-training nutrition (proper daily caloric amount and
        percentage of protein, carbs and fat)

____ Post-training body temperature regulation (pool, spa,
         or shower)

____ Pre/Post-training muscle tension/length manipulation

____ Monitoring and regulation of sleep (dream log, venting
          dreams, sleep habits)

____ Monitoring and regulation of daily stress levels
 (deletion of unnecessary stressors and/or habits)

____ Monitoring and regulation of Central Nervous system
         stimulation and firing levels

____ Use of post-training recovery agents (vitamins, amino
         acids, immune system support agents, etc.)

____ Mental training (visualization, hypnosis, meditation,
         mental event rehearsal, stress management)

These above items represent the basics of recovery and should be implemented on a daily basis.  Your recovery and progress will be in direct proportion to how well you are incorporating these basic recovery methods into your training program. 
Do not under estimate the power of these basic recovery methods, they are proven effective and will not let you down.  Rate yourself and see how you are doing with each recovery method.
1 - I never do this   3 - I sometimes do this after workouts   5 - I do this after my workouts daily
The eventual goal is to be 3 to 5 on most of the recovery checklist. 

My day was again crazy busy with the move and clients, work and some moving.   Holding fast to my eating plan and really enjoying the discovery process.  As as a growing sense of satisfaction and accomplishment.

MBG1: Training
Worked out in between clients doing some Hand to Hand kettlebell passes, sling shot pass, lateral swings, crush curls.  Took an attitude of play and got caught having fun throwing the kettlebell around. 

MBG2:  Restoration
Had a good sleep 7 hours which is good for me, I usually only sleep six or so.  Rest posture legs on wall with meditation breathing. 
Did ES yoga with my clients.

MBG3: Plant Based Nutrition
Lot of good food today.
Breakfast: 1 apple, green drink, green tea
snack 1: KIND bar w flax, Organic V drink
Lunch: Sweet potato chips, Carrot Juice, 2 bananas
snack 2: N/A
Dinner: Black Bean Enchiladas from Natural Cafe
Snack 3: tropical fruit trail mix, 3 dates, Water

I am laying down a challenge that you get your recovery under control and watch the changes start to happen.

Be Safe Brothers and Sisters

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