Thursday, October 14, 2010

It is not about the food

Long day today.  Sometimes I am amazed how many different things I can do and places I can go in a single day. Kids to school , clients and off to work.  In order to maintain my energy levels I have to pack a lot of food to bring with me.  One of the most important things you can do is to develop strategies for food preparation.  If you want to stick to your plan you have to "plan" your menu, prepare your meals, portion your servings and remember it bring it with you.
I will give you a few strategies in the coming days to deal with this important part of changing your eating habits.  I bring my cooler bag with me everyday.

MBG1 Restoration
ES yoga with my clients.

MBG2:  Training
Today was a Krav training day. Taught Intro fight, with warm up and drills.  I do not consider this a real workout but it was some activity for the day.

MBG3: Plant Based Nutrition
Great eats today,
Meal 1:  2 Bananas, Coffee,
Snack 1: Organic bar, Essential green drink
Meal 2: Salad from Gourmet Bites, plantains
Snack 2: 1 Banana
Meal 3: 1 bowl muesli and carrot juice.

I have been fighting a tummy bug all week, it seems to be getting somewhat better.

Be Safe Brothers and Sisters,


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