Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Just a Quickie

We talked about recovery a lot and I am in need of some right now, so this blog entry is going to be short and sweet.  OK, just short.  I am not known for being sweet.  I had the opportunity to speak in two health classes today at Moorpark College thanks to a friend of MBG-LA basketball coach Remy McCarthy.  Thanks Remy!  The goal of these lectures or talks is to open the minds of the next generation of members to the true availability of functional workouts.  Each time I do the lecture it gives me a little more passion to do more because I can see that I am actually connecting with the students and they seem to respond well to the MBG3.  Let's hope that some of them start thinking out of the "Fitness Box" and start to play again. 
That is the biggest gift MBG has given me are renewed passion to enjoy moving my body in different ways, looking to free up more movement and have fun doing it.  Taking an attitude of play.  It doesn't have to be all about sets and reps. Just play.
I have maintained my eating even through this move, and since all the plates are packed, I have been having to keep it very simple and plan where and when I am going to eat.  I have been packing fruit and nuts with me in my cooler bag for snacks. 

That it for tonight I am off to the dreaming time.

Be safe brothers and sisters,


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