Monday, October 11, 2010

Forgive me Blogger for I have sined. It has been 5 days since my last blog.

OOOOOOKay, the move is behind me and I am back to blogging.  I am most happy about the fact that I have maintained my plant based eating throughout the move.  I am still keeping the caffeine to a minimum which means only a couple cups a week.  I think I got more sore from the weird and strange positions I have to carry boxes and furniture in than a MBG workout. LOL!  But with more than just "a little help from my friends".. I got through it.  So grateful to have a peaceful place to come home to.  And Sara (Dixon's dog) is settling in nicely.  The monkey mommy (Sharon) brought over some vegetarian chili and corn bread for us on Sunday so we didn't have to cook.  A big THANK YOU for that.  I will get you all the recipe in the near future. 

MBG1: Restoration
I have been doing my ES Yoga daily.  And begun to study the books of B.K.S. Iyengar to further deepen my knowledge base.

MBG 2: Training
Lots of lifting of boxes, moving furniture over the weekend.  Today was Dog Brothers (NoHo pack) training with Nick, Matt and the boys.  If you think MMA is fun you should try grappling with sticks and knives.  Puts a whole new wrinkle on things.  Keeping it reality based.  We finished with 3 1:30 sec round of conditioning drills that is after all the grappling drills, take down defense and get up drills (while someone is hitting you with a padded stick from KIL industries). for sticks, knives, DVD etc

MBG 3: Plant Based Nutrition
I have been getting a lot of questions about having to label what it is we do.  Vegan or Vegetarian, we chose Plant Based for a reason people.  There are individual interpretations of each of those words and most have a stereotype they attach with each as well.  I feel no need to label myself either but prefer to allow myself the freedom to choose the healthiest choices for my body as you should do for yours.  A little history is needed here.  I grew up in Florida until I was six and then Alaska from 6th grade on.  We were not a wealthy family by any means so if we wanted meat we had to go and get it ourselves this meant learning to hunt and fish at a early age as well a work to earn money to help the family.  I have made a conscious choice to not kill any more animals unless it's them or me.  So, I have an issue with labels, how about we focus on actions.  Each person must decide for themselves who they are, and what they do.
So still all plant based and having fun with LOTS of ENERGY to burn.  Having great workouts and feeling awesome. 
Today I wanted to play a bit just to keep it interesting so I chose to have a "Green" Day not the band just food that is green.

Meal 1:  Green Drink & carrot juice, banana (only slightly green)
Snack1: Nuts raw, Green Drink
Meal 2: Vegan (here we go w labels again) fried rice with nuts and pineapple from Whole Foods.
Snack 2: Amazing Grass Super greens bar, Green Drink and a Green Tea
Meal 3: Big bowl of spinach salad with beet salad, broccoli slaw, steamed mixed veggies, sunflower seeds w balsamic dressing
Threw some other colors in just for fun.  Still having a bit of a time getting all my caloric intake in, adding the nuts and dates have helped. Going to add a couple of Sun Warrior protein drinks to the mix.

Eat Green and Get Lean,
Be Safe brothers and sisters,


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