Sunday, October 3, 2010

Mooooooving Forward

The yard sale is done.  Check that off the list, the Goodwill run is done. Check and Check.  The new house is amazing and I am so grateful that a fortunate series of events happened so we can move there.  As you know there can be a lot of stress and anxiety involved in the moving process.  I have been treating this move as I do any project that I work on, develop a plan, make a check list, execute the plan then evaluate the plan, evolve the plan and keep on moving.  Thus there is not as much stress and less potential for mess up on my 60 day challenge goals. 

MBG1: Training
Today the plan was get some movement in while executing the moving plan.  Lots and lots of lifting, reaching, pulling and a ton of walking.  Also, Ashlyn (my daughter) and I hit the trampoline at the New Casa de Dos Miquitos and had a lot of fun and a few laughs too.  As well as I felt obligated to get Sara (Dixon's dog) acclimated to the new environment which meant a perimeter walk and a lot of chase.  She is  a pit bull and has no concept of that retriever thing.  Worked up a good sweat doing both.  It doesn't have to be all about sets and reps folks.

MBG2: Restoration
I did some yoga today at various points to keep my low back loose and picked up a rest posture from Rodney Yee from his article in the Well Being Journal.   Legs up against the wall, great stress reliever and circulation builder. 

MBG3: Plant Based Nutrition
Today was so busy no time for sit down meals so I declared it a grazing day for myself and did so.  Apple here and there, rice chips and hummus while doing the yard sale,  a yam on a break, and we had a late dinner at Natural Cafe "Buddha Burrito" was the awesome!  Ash and I had a talk about quality of food, she has been having tummy troubles (nausea after meals, can you say food allergy? I knew that you could!) so we talked about better quality of foods and avoidance of any food that makes her ill.  She had soup and half sandwich at NC and as were walking out "Its amazing I feel great after eating that" .  I just smiled and nodded having had the same realization the past week.  Leading by example and walking the walk created that moment for me.  So, big Thank you to the Silverback (Jon Hinds) for the come to Jesus meeting. 

Starting to notice the physical changes now too.  More energy, better moods, increased quality of life and my teen aged daughter actually liked me today.  Good things are a happenin. 

Be Safe Brothers and Sisters,

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