Sunday, October 17, 2010

I label therefore I am.

Hey Guys,
Today we laid the ground work for the next chapter at MBG-Moorpark and MBG-LA, I am very excited about  our progress and prospects for the future.
Today I want to talk about "Labels" and the hangups, judgement and assumptions that come with them.  I am going to be dealing with "Labels" regarding how we eat.  Lets look at a few.

1. Omnivore:  eats both plant and animal-based foods.
2. Flexitarian: inclined to mostly eat vegetarian, but sometimes adds meat.
3. Vegetarian: eats no meat, including fish and shellfish, or any animal byproducts; also known as a lacto-ovo vegetarian (eats dairy and eggs).
4. Lacto-vegetarian: a vegetarian who eats diary products, but not eggs.
5. Ovo-vegetarian: a vegetarian who eats eggs, but not dairy products.
6. Pescetarian: a vegetarian who eats fish (may also avoid factory farmed fish).
7. Vegan: eats no meat, eggs or dairy, and no animal derived ingredients, like gelatin, honey or whey; usually also excludes wearing and other uses of animal products, such as leather, wool, angora and cashmere.
8.  Raw: consists of only unprocessed Vegan foods that have not been heated above 115 degrees Fahrenheit.
9.  Macrobiotic: consumes unprocessed Vegan foods and sometimes, fish generally avoids refined oils, flours and sugars.
10. Fruitarian: eats only plant foods that can be harvested without harming the plant.

Wow, now this does not include all the different diets just the labels for "recognized" labels from the International Vegetarian Union.   Really?? a Union?

As you know at MBG we recommend a  "PLANT BASED" diet, we use those words for a specific reason to avoid all the stigma and judgement that comes with each of the "labels" above.  Our brains have a need to make things ordered for memory and association so it takes a concerted effort to stop judging and labeling.  "The primary cause of disorder in ourselves is the seeking of reality promised by another..." Krishnamurti  although Krishnamurti was speaking of the spiritual self it is also true for your nutritional self, we must each seek to know ourselves, our body and how to provide it with nutrition for optimal health, vitality and wellness.  In order to do this each individual must embark on a journey of self-discovery find out what micro nutrient profile works best for them, what foods give them energy, what foods are energy toxins for them, what preparation strategy works best, and what habits/attitudes they must change to create the best strategy for their optimal wellness.
So let go of the "labels", focus on being the individual, unique and special human being you are, engage yourself in a process of discovery with a childlike sense of play and open mindedness.  We will help to guide you on your journey and I am sure we will learn as much from you as you do from us.
Your mission if you should choose to take it.....start the journey.

Be safe brothers and sisters,

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