Thursday, October 21, 2010

Starve a cold and feed a fever or is it stave a fever and feed a decide.

The adventure continues, this week has been a challenging week for my eating plan and workouts, due to fighting off a cold.  In my latest research of natural health and plant based eating I have been using myself as a guinea pig.  The source for the information "Traditional Foods are your Best Medicine" by Ronald F. Schmid, ND
The following recommendations are given for the "first signs" of a cold or flu.
"First Signs" = everyone has individual characteristics and sequence of symptoms that mark the oncoming of a cold or flu.  They can be fatigue and a head achy feeling, loss of appetite or a vague and growing sense of soreness in the throat.

If  a fast in initiated upon "first sign"  minor symptoms will begin to disappear after about 24 hours.  The cold or flu can be avoided by eating very carefully for the next few days.
The fast should consist of clear liquids, herbal teas and vitamin C some also add cod liver oil.  The fast should continue for around 24 hours or until you feel the symptoms start to subside.  Ramp up on the vitamin C slowly and don't go over 2 to 3 grams a day or you will be adding diarrhea to your list of symptoms.

After the fasting period non starchy vegetables, soups with greens, carrots, onions and garlic. In other words grandma's chicken vegetable soup should do the trick.

I have found for myself that keeping it very simple with lots of water and extra rest has been help me to fight off this flu.  Some people say that a fast lowers your immune systems and will cause muscle waisting.  I say you find out for yourself.  Learn to listen to your body and educate yourself.  I would love to hear your thoughts.

Be safe brothers and sisters,


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