Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Willingness or Willfulness, That is the question.

As part of my ongoing study I read a number of magazines and newsletters one of my favorite reads is Scientific American  - MIND it is full of great articles on how our minds work and process of brain function.  I was reading an article about adherence to programs such as a twelve step or an exercise program.  The research showed that those who have an OPEN mind are more likely to adhere to a program vs the more Willful (Closed minded).  It also speaks of how our own self talk can determine our motivation.  An open mind is asking the question "Will I?"  and the closed mind is saying "I will"  it is interesting and counter intuitive to find that the "Will I?" group even though they are questioning if they can even do the program are talking themselves into being inspired, motivated and looking for that motivation from within.  Where as the "I Will!" group were attempting  to hold themselves to a rigid standard.  The article states "Those asserting will lacked this internal inspiration,which explains in part why their weak commitment to future change."  Interesting is it not?  So those who were asserting will were in effect closing their minds and narrowing their view.  Those who questioned where using a sense of wonder or were "wondering  (the action of having a sense of wonder) and were open to new possibilities.
So 60 day challengers what does this mean to us?  Approach each day with a childlike wonder ask yourself "Will I" develop your motivation, inspiration from within and ACHIEVE your goals.  Willingness to try is more important than rigid standards.  Open your mind.
OK, I am off my soap box now.
Very busy day with workmen at the house and we now have CABLE (sound of angels here).  I had the opportunity to stay home this morning and enjoy some green tea in the backyard.  The sunshine and a slight breeze, made me wonder why I have organized my life in such a way that this is a rare occasion for me.  To actually stop and sit.  Looks like I have some wondering to do.

MBG1: Restoration
Early to bed last night and a lye in this morning felt so good.  Feeling more recovered today and more calm.
ES Yoga outside with Sara she did snoring dog and scratching dog. I did a series of down dog, up dog.

MBG2: Function training
Today was a play day so I played with Sara, and played at the club during class.  No formal sets and reps today. Did the warm up with class we did some extra speed ladder work just for fun.  Note to self: No intense warms ups on a full stomach or the food baby will show up.

MBG3:  Plant Based Nutrition
Great food today.  
Am:  Bananas 5 total throughout the morning & Green tea
snack1: amazing grass bar and water
Lunch: Pita, Hummus and veggie drink
snack2: cashews, Mango Madness drink
Dinner: 2 bowls Trader Joe's blueberry Muesli and Carrot Juice
Eating green, orange, blue, orange and getting lean.

Be safe brothers and sisters,


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