Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Great day of eating and training and now blogging/watching a Gene Lebell DVD on finishing holds.  Currently, he is demonstrating a bear hug where you crush the floating ribs.  Just a little light viewing to relax.
Had a great workout the the MLC -G & D, we did Twofer Tuesday!  We got a great sweat and were totally burned out after the second workout.
Have you got your copy of "The bodies many cries for water yet?"  I am still struggling with getting all my water in so I have been carrying my "Monkey Bar Gym" water bottle everywhere with me and drinking throughout the day.  And let's stay aways from those plastic bottles can you say phyto-estrogen's in parts per trillion?  Sun + Plastic bottles = phytoestrogen's in our body. Oh and guess what your body only recognizes parts per million.
Drink more water and use a stainless bottle preferably a MBG water bottle.

MBG 3:
MBG 1: Restoration
ES yoga with my morning clients and after training.  Sleep was a little lacking last night as the dog was not quite settled in and kept waking me up.  To bed early tonight.

MBG 2: Training
Twofer Tuesday!  15/15 for 32 minutes first set of exercises burpees and jump rope for 16 minutes followed by Hindu squats and mountain climbers for 16 minutes this workout is a great sweat.  We followed that up with Fight Club workout 20 medicine ball slams, 40 sit outs, 60 double jumps, 80 fast hands w rope, 100 resisted punches, we did this 3x AFAP.
Nice workout and I needed it.  As always my MLC crew brought it.

MBG3:  Plant Based Nutrition
Meal 1: Green Drink, nuts and Amazing Grass bar
Snack1: Apple,2 bananas
Meal 2:  Veggie burrito
Snack 2: Amazing Grass bar, water and apple
Meal 3: Good Karma Burger (veggie) from Natural Cafe
Snack 3: Date, grapes

OK, that's it for me for today I am off to my restorative sleep.

Be safe brothers and sisters,


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