Saturday, September 25, 2010

Crankasaurus Rex rears his ugly head

Hahahaha I am Crankasaurus Rex I will tear you head off for no reason.  ROAR!!  LOL!  Day 2 of cleanse although I got up with good energy and mood that did not last the entire day.  Sorry Dixon.  The majority of the day I have good energy but to say that I was not at my best would be an understatement.  I managed to teach my MBG classes and do the first check in for our 60 Day Challengers not sure how much sense I made as I was talking because I was in the middle of a mild out of body experience.  I can feel a gradual depletion of physical strength with gradually  feeling myself become more spiritually and emotionally sensitive.  This is not the first time I have experienced this, I have quested before but for a different reason more spiritual in mature.  This quest is to re-connect with the signals my body sends to tell me that I need food or water.  I have had only mild pangs of hunger or thirst but have been manifesting a myriad of symptoms of low blood sugar, brain lock, lack of  ability to focus and a strange metallic taste in my mouth.  Oh, and a noticed lack of patience and positive attitude.  I should not have been driving a I lost my way to a place I am familiar with and even ran a red light (not on purpose).  Note to self:  walk slow and carry water also naps are GOOOOOOOD!

MBG1: Training
Only teaching to day, no training on fast. 

MBG2: Restoration
Lead some basic postures for classes.

MBG3: Plant Based Nutrition
Lemon Juice, Veggie Juice, Lemon Juice, Veggie Juice, Green Tea and Herbal Tea. 

Again, I want to thank those around me for my patience and give my apology to Dave and Dixon for the attack of Crankasaurus Rex.  Sorry guys, Love you like brothers.  Mean it.

Enjoyed visiting the Grand Opening of Bas Rutten's new gym and seeing many old friends.  Wishing Bas much success with this venture.

Be Safe Brothers and Sisters,


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