Monday, September 27, 2010

Hocus Pocus it is all about your Focus.

Well, day 3 of the fast went. . well, fast.  Slept in last for the first time in weeks, no girls (daughters) to pick up, no clients to train, good day for a lie in.  I have completed one week of caffeine detox & sugar detox and 3 days of juice fast.  Woohoo!!!  I have to say the end results I am enjoying today are as follows, feeling more "in tune" with my body and how foods effect it, increasing energy level and a general sense of well-being.   Over all feeling good today. 
Alright, so now the detox is over and it is time to get back to training tomorrow, you will notice I did not train today, your previous days caloric intake/nutrition is what fuels your workouts.  Accordingly, I gave myself today to eat well and regain my energy stores.  Too fast back to training and you can lower your immune system and get sick.  Getting sick during a 60 day challenge put a damper on your training and eating as well as the end results. Discretion is the better part of valor.  Or as I say Discernment, Direction, Dedication in that order.
I am having fun experimenting with different food ideas, taking an attitude of discovery, play & experimentation.  Looking forward to trying a lot of new recipes and places to eat.  Going to take this momentum and keep rolling.

MBG1: Training
Day off today, training anyway.  Did alot of work and my clients did a great job today.

MBG2: Restoration
ES Yoga with every client today, it is amazing to see the change that can take place from working on one posture. 

MBG3: Plant Based Nutrition
Got busted on FB by for not tracking my calories, didn't see the need since I WAS FASTING!  Imagine outed by a computer program.  BTW, change the settings so we do not notify the world if Kevin does not check in. 
Lots of good eating today. SOOOO happy to eat food again.  The best thing I have discovered about tracking my eating is that I have been under eating. As of 12pm I was totally full and had only consumed 560 calories of high quality food.  My daily goal is 2,000+.  I had to apply myself to catch up. 
I put together a high calorie dinner, this is a bachelor special.  I purchased all the ingredients at Trader Joe's.

1 bag black lentils
1 bag brown rice
1 bag spicy chickpeas
1 can organic black beans
cut in green, red and yellow peppers for color and add some spicy BBQ sauce and a pinch of sea salt.
Total cost: Under $5
Prep Time: 5 min (if you can boil water you can make this)

Rating: 7 out of 10 easy to prep, needs a little more color and more spices.

Be Safe brothers and sisters,

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