Thursday, September 30, 2010

Weird, weird day today.  Noticed a lot of syncranistic things today, going to take it that I am in the right spot and the right time. Winding down now and watching the WEC fights happy to see our friends from Team Tompkins all get the W tonight.  It is when watching T.V. at the end of the day that usually triggers, what I call my "unstoppable stomach" cravings causing me to reach for the snacks. 
If you are like me then using the 7 P principle will help you out.  (Prior, Planning, Prevents, Piss Poor, Performance) 'Make sure you have healthy snack around so you don't reach for the junk.   If you have a sugar habit to fix then I recommend adding more fruit to your diet during the day and using dates to curb the cravings. A single date will give you a nice burst of sugar without the negative side effects of the processed sugar.  I used dates to kick my sugar habit and you can too.

MBG1 Training
Teaching Day, taught intro fight class w warm up and sparring drills. 

MBG2: Restoration
ES Yoga with clients and a sequence of Down Dog and Back Dome to warm up for teaching.  Feeling more strength in the back dome from doing it on a regular basis.

MBG3: Plant Based Nutrition
Breakfast:  2 Bananas, 1 Essential greens drink
Snack1: 1 Banana, 1 Amazing grass bar, White Tea
Mid Day:  Veggie paddy, red pepper, green salad w balsamic & coconut water
Snack 2:  Nuts, dried apricots, Water
Dinner:  Large spinach salad, w red, green, yellow peppers, broccoli slaw, dried cranberries w balsamic
Snack 3: Dates, raw cashews, water

Great food today, energy level has been good.  I had a lull about 10 am but after my snack I felt much better.  Not sure what got me so bloated today but I am sitting here with a serious "food baby".  Don't really  enjoy that feeling. 

Prepare your meals ahead of time, have a plan, follow it and get the results you desire.

Be safe brothers and sisters,


Wednesday, September 29, 2010

It's Natural

I am still having a great time with my research and finding a lot of great information on plant based nutrition.  Today was a crazy busy day with teaching, mentoring trainers, business meetings and Daddy taxi.  Eating a lot of great food and feeling very energetic, still no coffee.
I want to recommend a book "The Bodies Many Cries for Water" go to  Monkies we have to up the water intake to promote weight loss and proper hydration.  At least 2 quarts per day.  Time to get rid of all the displacement drinks and return to what you body wants and needs WATER.  It doesn't want coffee or Gatorade and especially not sodas.  On Saturday at 10am I will be giving the water lecture to the 60 day challengers.

MBG1 Training
Today taught two MBG classes with warm ups and ES yoga.  I did a lot of cueing on the ES tonight, the feedback really makes a difference and I can see the changes.  Such a good feeling.
I did 3 sets 5 reps weighted chins w 30lbs weight vest and ring dips.  True strength work.  Love it.

MBG2:  Restoration
ES yoga with the classes and some extra work to open up my low back.  I was feeling a tightness in my low back and used the ES Yoga to loosen it up.

Sleep: 8 full hours and jump up today totally energetic. 

Meditation: 15 min was all I could squeeze in today, had a good sitting though.

MBG3: Plant Based Nutrition
Breakfast: Sun Warrior Brown rice protein drink w blueberries and greens.
Snack 1:  Green Drink and almonds
Lunch:  Lunch at Natural Cafe ordered a veg juice drink w kale, beets, wheat grass, celery etc, and grilled veggie plate w brown rice(cut in half saved other half for dinner) and cup of Lima bean soup.
Snack 2: Goji green bar for Amazing Grass
Dinner: Hummus, rice chips, and second half of veggie brown rice plate

Loving how I am feeling so much energy and feeling more mental focus.

Be Safe brothers and sisters,

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Wow!  Another day in the books already and I still have so much to do.  Great energy levels today, can you believe this former caffeine-a-holic went until 1pm today with ZERO (0) caffeine?  Amazing right?  I had some green tea at 1pm so I could focus in on some writing.  This show two things. 1. I had a BAD caffeine habit going.  2. My energy levels are up due to the new plant based eating.  I did a ton of research today and discovered that there is alot of information out there about PB eating,  so I have given myself another assignment to help us all sort out what is useful, what is healthy and better yet what is useful for us Monkies.  It seems like some people are using the vegan thing to eat a lot of low quality foods with the rationalization that its vegan so it must be OK.  We will sort it all out together so we can pass it on to the next generation of newbies. 
Had a great training today with the MLC ( it's just a nickname for the Monkies I workout with in order to be PC in the environment we are working out in)  Gotta be PC.  I tore through the workout, I love all the fighter workouts because I am used to all the movements and I get a double whammy out of it.  1. Re-enforce basic movement patterns for combat.  2. Get my workout in.  Thus, the d-dub. 

MBG1: Training
MBG Fighter workout 3X AFAP
20 Ball Slams, 40 Sit Outs, 60 Double Jumps, 80 Fast Hands w ropes 100 Resisted Punches  w rotation (no cardio punching! That is my pet peeve.)
Time 17:40 on my best round I did 35 Double Jumps without stopping, my personal best is 150 but that was in High school
MBG2: Restoration
Good Sleep and 15 minutes meditation
ES Yoga as part of my warm up and did Down Dog/Up Dog and Bridge after workout to let go of some tension in my back from the Double Jumps.

MBG3: Plant Based Nutrition
Tracked all my meals on and set them an email offering to help them update the exercise tracking portion it is a little to gym-my w only space for cardio or strength training and no high intensity interval training at all. 

Some grains: Brown Rice (my choice) and evaporated cane juice crept its way back into my plan, (due to not reading a label )

I will be sharing the results of some of my research tomorrow and I got BIG plans in the works for us Monkies (yes, I am choosing to use the bands spelling of Hey Hey were the Monkies)

Be safe brothers and sisters,


Monday, September 27, 2010

Hocus Pocus it is all about your Focus.

Well, day 3 of the fast went. . well, fast.  Slept in last for the first time in weeks, no girls (daughters) to pick up, no clients to train, good day for a lie in.  I have completed one week of caffeine detox & sugar detox and 3 days of juice fast.  Woohoo!!!  I have to say the end results I am enjoying today are as follows, feeling more "in tune" with my body and how foods effect it, increasing energy level and a general sense of well-being.   Over all feeling good today. 
Alright, so now the detox is over and it is time to get back to training tomorrow, you will notice I did not train today, your previous days caloric intake/nutrition is what fuels your workouts.  Accordingly, I gave myself today to eat well and regain my energy stores.  Too fast back to training and you can lower your immune system and get sick.  Getting sick during a 60 day challenge put a damper on your training and eating as well as the end results. Discretion is the better part of valor.  Or as I say Discernment, Direction, Dedication in that order.
I am having fun experimenting with different food ideas, taking an attitude of discovery, play & experimentation.  Looking forward to trying a lot of new recipes and places to eat.  Going to take this momentum and keep rolling.

MBG1: Training
Day off today, training anyway.  Did alot of work and my clients did a great job today.

MBG2: Restoration
ES Yoga with every client today, it is amazing to see the change that can take place from working on one posture. 

MBG3: Plant Based Nutrition
Got busted on FB by for not tracking my calories, didn't see the need since I WAS FASTING!  Imagine outed by a computer program.  BTW, change the settings so we do not notify the world if Kevin does not check in. 
Lots of good eating today. SOOOO happy to eat food again.  The best thing I have discovered about tracking my eating is that I have been under eating. As of 12pm I was totally full and had only consumed 560 calories of high quality food.  My daily goal is 2,000+.  I had to apply myself to catch up. 
I put together a high calorie dinner, this is a bachelor special.  I purchased all the ingredients at Trader Joe's.

1 bag black lentils
1 bag brown rice
1 bag spicy chickpeas
1 can organic black beans
cut in green, red and yellow peppers for color and add some spicy BBQ sauce and a pinch of sea salt.
Total cost: Under $5
Prep Time: 5 min (if you can boil water you can make this)

Rating: 7 out of 10 easy to prep, needs a little more color and more spices.

Be Safe brothers and sisters,

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Crankasaurus Rex rears his ugly head

Hahahaha I am Crankasaurus Rex I will tear you head off for no reason.  ROAR!!  LOL!  Day 2 of cleanse although I got up with good energy and mood that did not last the entire day.  Sorry Dixon.  The majority of the day I have good energy but to say that I was not at my best would be an understatement.  I managed to teach my MBG classes and do the first check in for our 60 Day Challengers not sure how much sense I made as I was talking because I was in the middle of a mild out of body experience.  I can feel a gradual depletion of physical strength with gradually  feeling myself become more spiritually and emotionally sensitive.  This is not the first time I have experienced this, I have quested before but for a different reason more spiritual in mature.  This quest is to re-connect with the signals my body sends to tell me that I need food or water.  I have had only mild pangs of hunger or thirst but have been manifesting a myriad of symptoms of low blood sugar, brain lock, lack of  ability to focus and a strange metallic taste in my mouth.  Oh, and a noticed lack of patience and positive attitude.  I should not have been driving a I lost my way to a place I am familiar with and even ran a red light (not on purpose).  Note to self:  walk slow and carry water also naps are GOOOOOOOD!

MBG1: Training
Only teaching to day, no training on fast. 

MBG2: Restoration
Lead some basic postures for classes.

MBG3: Plant Based Nutrition
Lemon Juice, Veggie Juice, Lemon Juice, Veggie Juice, Green Tea and Herbal Tea. 

Again, I want to thank those around me for my patience and give my apology to Dave and Dixon for the attack of Crankasaurus Rex.  Sorry guys, Love you like brothers.  Mean it.

Enjoyed visiting the Grand Opening of Bas Rutten's new gym and seeing many old friends.  Wishing Bas much success with this venture.

Be Safe Brothers and Sisters,


Friday, September 24, 2010

When life gives you lemons, make lemon water for your fast

Today was the beginning of a 3 day cleansing fast with  Lemon water, Juice and herbal tea.  The purpose of a fast is to give you intestinal tract a break, often times specific types of juices are used to detox kidneys and liver as well.  The lemon water changes the ph of your body water.  There is also another reason to fast at the start of a new eating plan because it serves to break all you old eating habits.  For example many people eat for the following reasons Time of day, Places (in front of the T.V. etc), People, Boredom, and programing (clean your plate etc).  By limiting your choices and breaking your routines it give you a fresh start.
I am not giving the details of the fast because I don't want you crazies running off half-cocked.
My energy levels have been good today and I finally passed the kidney stone that has been working it's way through my body.  They say the pain of passing on is as close as a man will come to giving birth but having witnessed that I would say that it was not even close.  Much respect to the mommies out there.

MBG 1: Training
Today due to starting the fast we were not supposed to train, but we trained anyway.  The workout was 15/15 for 30 minutes.  10 minutes of clean and press, 10 minutes of KB swings and 10 minutes of hanging leg raises.  Great workout with the MLC.  My neck is a little sore but I will fix that with some Eichens yoga tomorrow.

MBG 2: Recovery
ES Yoga Beginner sequence 1x

MBG 3: Plant Based Nutrition
Lets just say it went something like this Lemon water, Juice, Lemon water, Juice, Lemon water, Herbal Tea
Trying out a new Yogi band herbal tea Kidney and Liver detox: I give it a 6 out of 10 tastes good and get the added benefit of increasing Kidney and Liver function.  BONUS! 

Looking forward to tomorrow after teaching at in Moorpark. I am going to the Grand Opening of Elite MMA training center owned by the one and only EL Guapo Bas Rutten.  Congratulations to Bas and crew.

Be Safe Brothers and Sisters,


Thursday, September 23, 2010

Walk, walk, walking the walk. . . .

I have had a song running through my head all day and it is one of those songs that make you smile because of the memories attached to it, a day of smiles and chuckles.  Not a bad way to go through a day.  Oh, the song it's from when the girls were little, the song of a big purple dinosaur named Barney, so those of you who have kids and have had to watch a DVD of him about a zillion times you know what I mean.  "I got a new way to walk. . . Walk! Walk!"  can still remember the girls and I marching around the living room.  LOL! 
Taking the advice of Jessica from MBG - Madison and since I have not counted calories in a few years and since I have not switched to the iPhone and set up an account to track my weight loss (another thing I don't normally track) to make sure I don't over or under eat my caloric intake.  My estimated daily caloric intake is 2,300 cal by 1pm I had only consumed 700 cal and was feeling fine, but that is the fast track to muscle loss and slowing my already sluggish metabolism (remember no thyroid have to take synthroid daily). 
Tomorrow we Dixon and I start the 3 day Juice fast, we do not have all clients do this as we need to dial in the process with a little more experimentation meaning using Guinea pigs like say. .. Dave, Dixon and I. 
Justin has already been through the process and is currently throwing tofu shaped shrimp on the Barbi.
Had an afternoon caffeine withdrawal headache and when to reach for my green tea but it seems someone beat me too it.  Yep, there is no doubt (not that there was) that I HAD a caffeine addiction going, had being the operative word, after the fast it will be done.  As a public service I am suggesting that you approach with me with caution the next few days as I tend to get cranky with out FOOD, Caffeine and sugar.
MBG1: Training
No actual workout today, taught Intro fight class at Krav Maga warm up and drills it was week 1 of the curriculum so not a real strenuous workout. 

MBG2: Restoration
Did a warm up with Down Dog/Up Dogs and some table with a client.  Did some TFT or EFT to let go of some negative though process and limiting beliefs.   TFT is a great stress release so check it out.  I believe it is important to have tools for dealing with stress, limiting beliefs, pain etc as a overall part of your lifestyle.  If you have never experienced it let me know and I will do some work with you if you want.  Another one of my areas of study is Clinical Hypnotherapy, EFT and NLP and we will be delving into process for goal achievement, limiting beliefs and letting go of negativity.

MBG3: Plant Based Eating
I am feeling very energetic with all of the high quality fruits, nuts, juice and plants I have been eating.  Pleasantly surprised. : )
1 banana, 1 apple, 1 cup coffee

Lunch:  Organic V drink from Whole Foods, 1 piece Ezekiel bread, 2tsp barney butter (Barney? dam the song again, this is almost as bad as the "song that shall not be sung" from the happiest place on earth.

Snack 1: 3 dates, Essential Green Drink 8 oz,  2 tsp Hummus and Pecan Nut-thins 1 serving
snacking on cashew, almond and cranberry nut squares from Fresh and Easy.

Dinner: My usual Large Jethro bowl of salad w/ quinoa, 1/4 avocado, 1/2 tomato, cabbage, spinach, spring mix , light balsamic dressing 2 tsp.

Overall, a great day, accomplished a good deal of work, energy levels have been consistent and only minor
withdrawal symptoms from caffeine.
Be safe Brothers and Sisters,


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Assesment Day: Otherwise known as the day of reckoning

What a day! Wednesdays is a full day for me involving Mentoring Trainers, Meeting for MBG-LA and teaching two classes.  The fulfillment I get out of give back to my clients, members and mentored is what makes the long hours and impacted schedule worth it.  So today was assessment day for myself, Dixon and Dave as well as the youth training classes. 
I don't know if you are aware of the sad state of fitness our kids are in, but there is a a ray of hope seeing the difference we have made already in the year we have been in Moorpark. It shows that a few with a clean clear intention can help others change and blossom. Big kudos to Zac and Jon for carrying the MBG3 to our young athletes.
OK, back to assessment day, there is a moment when you know that a realization is coming and yet your mind continues to keep you in just enough denial to allow you to continue your complacency.  Assessment day is that reality check that we all know that we need but wish would never come.  Like I said before it is time to up my game again.  The decline I have allow myself to enjoy started largely about 10 years ago with a diagnosis of thyroid cancer.  The big C, talk about a paradigm shift.  I have since used it as an excuse to allow myself to not be as disciplined with my eating and training as I have in my past. 
The Assessments:
Neck 15"
Chest: 44.5
Arm: 13.5
Waist 38.5 Dave the joker that he is told me it was 44 at first and I was shocked to say the least.  Considering that I had a 30"waist most my life this was the killer for me. Now that is some motivation.
Hips: 40.5
Thigh: 21
Lower leg: 16.5
Body Weight: 206.6 (My fighting weight 176 kickboxing)  another big WOW!!
Strength Assessments:
Power Wheel crawl: 60yrds (stopped due to nursing an injury)
Jump Rope: 150 fwd/150 back Time 1:50 min alternating legs
Chins: 13 dead hang palms facing
Extensions: 27 in 30sec
Lunges: 30 w 12k/hand in 1 min
Push ups: 20 w Power push up 1 band

I have to tell you that Dave had a great laugh at my expense and as for me my heart sunk, 44" WTF??? I almost went off the deep end until he told me.  Although, 8 solid inches of extra FAT on my waist in not cool. I am most disappointed with my power wheel crawl just last month I did 60 yards with a 40lb weight vest. Unacceptable!
Denial is not just a river in Egypt my friends. 
Ok, TIME TO GET TO WORK KEVIN!!!!  My covers have been officially pulled. 

MBG 1: Training
Assessment Day just taught classes today and did my tests.  Did some play with Handstands today in between classes.

MBG2: Restoration
2 full ES Yoga beginner sequence with my classes.  This is currently helping me restore mobility to my right low back and left hip flexor which are the reason I did so poorly on the power wheel today.  First day with no pain so that is an improvement I can verify.

MBG3: Plant Based Eating

Good food all day.  Sun Warrior protein (brown rice) drink for breakfast w blueberries, greens, rice milk, water.  Note to self blue + Green = A Brown drink  taste good looks not so good.

Lunch: Vegan Bean & Squash Soup at Natural Cafe in Moorpark, Good and Good for ya.

Dinner:  See Below.  Awesome Jethro bowl of salad with Quinoa & cranberries, broccoli, 2 sm red potatoes, spinach, spring salad, tomatoes and light balsamic.  2 Dates to satisfy the sweet tooth.

Ok that is it for today I am off to bed.  Early day tomorrow. Good Night. 

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Day 2 Walking the Walk

I am pleasantly surprised that I have only minor caffeine withdrawal symptoms,(slight afternoon headache).   I have cut from my normal SB Venti w/add shot (called a Red Eye in SB lingo) to one cup of homemade organic coffee and a 2pm shot of Sencho shot (Green Tea) unsweetened of course. The green tea is a good substitute for weening off of the crazy caffeine levels I have been partaking in and provides 152mg of Catechin Tea Antioxidants to help repair the damage I have done to my system. 
Whether I am preparing a program for myself or a celebrity client of mine, or setting up a new business venture I always follow the same process.  1. Begin with the end in mind. "Ask what do I want the end result to be?" 2. Assess current situation. In this case strength test, measurements, nutritional assessment  3. Goal setting 4. Make a plan.  5. Execute the plan
Let's talk big picture for a second (Step 1. Begin with the end in mind). 
The end result I am looking to achieve is as follows;  In the next 60 days I will  reduce my current body fat while maintaining my current Lean Body Mass (LBM). Improving my energy levels and over all health by implementing a satisfying healthy plant-based diet that gives me energy and vitality. I will increase my current strength levels by following a program of 5x per week of MBG classes both on my own and with the MLC (Monkey Love Crew) with daily Eichens yoga (Beginner Sequence).  I will know I have achieved these results when:
The Goals:
1. I have completed my transition to a Plant Based Diet, removing coffee and processed sugar.
2. I have completed the 100 yard Power Wheel Challenge easily in under 2:30 sec.
3. I have walked on my hands for 5 yards with control. Handstand Walk 5 yards.
4. I have completed 4 Ring Muscle ups with flow and correct form maintaining my false grip.

Ok, so you will notice that I am painting a picture for myself with some realistic goals that fit our S.M.A.R.T. plan.  Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely.  They goals are presented in a positive and present tense as if I have already achieved them and they are specific all very important aspects of goal setting.  Also, I am combining a couple of steps here both 1 & 3.  I will be doing measurements tomorrow with Dave and Dixon (the spudboy) as well as our fitness assessments. I will let you know the results tomorrow. 

The MBG3
MBG 1: Training
Update; yesterday was not a complete day off as expected.  I got a call from PappyDog that the NOHO Dog Brothers were training at Gokor's Hayastan Grappling Academy and since I love training/learning I jumped at the chance.  We did 1.5 hours of training in various aspects of Kali Tudo or DBMA (Dog Brothers Martial Art) including basic striking patterns w/sticks, clinch work w/sticks, combining stick striking and combatives (punches & kicks), ground work w/sticks and knives (puts a whole new spin on grappling) and finished with basic throws from the clinch.  Good time had by all and about 5lbs of water loss from good hard training.
Did a great Body weight Endurance workout with the MLC (Dixon, Jarretta, Brianna, Sasha & Kristine (TKHO) in attendance Nick and A.J. had excused absences for work.  Eve the second Robo-Chick (Eve & Jarretta) is on the road with Carrie Underwood as of today and was missed as she always makes us (ego driven males) up our game to save face. We did 20,30,40,50,40 of 1. Med ball sit ups 2. Skaters 3. Log Jump 4. Wall Ball 5. Burpees  this workout for a BW workout is a butt kicker it took us 40 minutes to get most of the way done (Dixon & Kevin), Jarretta and TKHO crushed it and completed an additional rounds of  30 & 20.  Bad Asses!!

MBG 2: Restoration
ES Yoga
1 round of the Beginner Sequence, helped to open up by low back which was sore from the throws of the previous night.  Felt good and opened up after as usual.

Sleep & Meditation
30 min of meditation last night followed up with some reading of "Zen and the Art of Recovery". Sara (Dixon's dog which he rescued from near death with the help of A.J.'s wife Stephanie) joined for the meditation.  Not sure if she has as hard a time letting go of her attachments as I do, well except her favorite toy.  Had a great sleep and a lie in to 8 am my normal wake up is 6 so that felt great today.

MBG 3: Plant Based Nutrition
Breakfast: Home made Coffee 1 cup and 15.2 Fl oz of Essential Greens drink

Post workout snack: Essential Greens Drink and 1 piece of Ezekiel bread w Barney Butter (almond)

Had lunch with Dave to discuss MBG Moorpark daily plan salad from Champagne.

My usual Jethro bowl of salad and steamed veggies. 

Tip when getting off of processed sugar a good substitute are dates they satisfy the sweet tooth in a much healthier form.

Overall feeling very good and optimistic about the fast "looming" ahead.

Take Care and be safe brothers and sisters,


Monday, September 20, 2010

Getting is all started MBG3 "Walk the walk"

First Blog, Day One, No pressure!  Started this morning with the usual rush to get the girls (daughters Alyssa & Ashlyn) for any of you parents out there you know how much "FUN" it can be getting two teenagers out of bed and off to school. Monday traffic was light for a change and I actually to them to school on time.  For those of you who don't live in L.A. that is no small feat. 
I am going to be sharing the process of my transformation from Body Builder diet to Plant Based over the next 60 days along with my daily training (The MBG3: Whole body skill training, Eichens Yoga & PB nutrition). 
I co-own with partners Dave and Justin, the only Monkey Bar Gym currently on the west coast (  We recently had a visit from the founder of Monkey Bar Gym - Jon Hinds and after presenting two very successful seminars took the time to present a challenge to us.  The challenge Jon presented was for us to do a better job of "Walking the Walk"  meaning he gave us what I call the "Come to Jesus meeting.  We have all been working toward following the MBG3 some with more success than others (big props to Justin), me however not so much.  I could give you the excuses and the justifications but feel it would be better to say that I have been resistive to change really because of prior programing (30+ years of bodybuilding nutrition & classical nutrition education).  Being a fitness professional & workout enthusiast since I was a kid, I have been exposed to more than my share of nutritional philosophies.  This in addition to my own research and schooling has been the justification for my resistance to the third of the MBG3.  This blog represents my first step toward the RE-education of a bodybuilder. 

The MBG 3:  (Whole Body Skill Training, Eichens Yoga & Plant Based Nutrition)

MBG 1:  Training
Monday is an off day for training since we are just coming off a CRAZY week at the gym (seminars, lecturing at Moorpark College and CLU, 4x workouts and the start of the 60 day challengers.   Usually, Monday is my DBMA (Dog Brothers Martial Art) training day with the North Hollywood Dog Brothers check out  The gathering of the pack was yesterday and all the NOHO Dogs represented!!  Accordingly, no training today.
Just did the DBMA warm up and practiced some basic single and double stick techniques (30 min total)
Purchase the new Vibrams for outdoor running I might as well ditch the running shoes too while I am walking the walk.

MBG2: Restoration
Beginner sequence 2x and then taught A.J. some poses with cueing for his low back issue (bridge and supine mountain).

I was fortunate to get good sleep (a key recovery element) last night. I will share my sound sleep E-book and MP3 for you in the future.  As well as my E-book on Jet Travel.  

MBG3: Plant Based Nutrition

Since I am not due to start the "Fast" portion of my plan until Thursday pm I have put myself into a weening mode.  Cutting coffee intake ( a must before a fast or you will suffer BIG time), I have already cut out my arch Nemesis (Chocolate)  it became a major comfort food during my recovery from Thyroid cancer a number of years ago.  Oh yes, I guess I should tell you about my medical history at some point and my thyroid or lack thereof. 
Breakfast: Home made organic coffee 1 cup, 15.2 FL OZ of Evolution Essential Greens drink and Organic Green Superfood Bar from Whole Foods. 

Lunch:  15.2 (yes, .2) Essential Greens drink and Green Tea (to avoid a caffeine meltdown and to protect those around me)  sm. Bag of Almonds, 5 figs

Dinner:  Will be another Essential Green drink and a "Jethro" (think Beverly Hillbillies) bowl of salad with veggies. 

Overall feeling good about the process and have only a minor caffeine headache, let this be fair warning to those to choose to come close Kevie gets a little cranky until he gets through the caffeine & sugar blues.

Take care brothers and sisters,
