Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Paying it Forward Yes!!!

Today I received a payoff for all we do here at MBG. This made my day.  A client who had been struggling with an eating issue that was effecting her daily mental life and her 60 day challenge results gave us a note of thanks for helping them through.   If I had any question as to our company direction/intention I no longer have one.  We MBG-LA and MBG Global take the logo as our intention One little monkey helping another, one life changed at a time.  We know and understand that this quote is true "People don't care what you know until they know that you care"  I wish I could recall who that is from, If you do let me know so I can give credit where credit is due.
This is so motivating to me and the crew!

MBG 3:  Training Warriors, Lean and Green Warriors, Rebuilding Warriors

MBG 1: Training Warriors:  Play day
Two warm ups and play on handstands, dips.

MBG2: Lean and Green Warriors
Had a great lunch with some of the noon class members at Natural Cafe, awesome butternut squash Quesadilla, vegan veggie soup, blue corn chips and lots of clean clear water w lemon.
4 Bananas, 2 kind bars, & sauteed spinach and butternut squash soup.  Yum.

MBG3: Rebuilding Warriors
ES yoga in the am and with clients, down dog, bridge and table were my focus today.

Guys, we really mean what we say.  We are here to help you, we will do our best to help you find a strategy that works for you and leads you to a healthier, happier & fitter life.

Be safe Bothers and Sisters.  Happy Birthday to my good friend Cliff (48 and still a kicking butt)


Thursday, October 21, 2010

Starve a cold and feed a fever or is it stave a fever and feed a decide.

The adventure continues, this week has been a challenging week for my eating plan and workouts, due to fighting off a cold.  In my latest research of natural health and plant based eating I have been using myself as a guinea pig.  The source for the information "Traditional Foods are your Best Medicine" by Ronald F. Schmid, ND
The following recommendations are given for the "first signs" of a cold or flu.
"First Signs" = everyone has individual characteristics and sequence of symptoms that mark the oncoming of a cold or flu.  They can be fatigue and a head achy feeling, loss of appetite or a vague and growing sense of soreness in the throat.

If  a fast in initiated upon "first sign"  minor symptoms will begin to disappear after about 24 hours.  The cold or flu can be avoided by eating very carefully for the next few days.
The fast should consist of clear liquids, herbal teas and vitamin C some also add cod liver oil.  The fast should continue for around 24 hours or until you feel the symptoms start to subside.  Ramp up on the vitamin C slowly and don't go over 2 to 3 grams a day or you will be adding diarrhea to your list of symptoms.

After the fasting period non starchy vegetables, soups with greens, carrots, onions and garlic. In other words grandma's chicken vegetable soup should do the trick.

I have found for myself that keeping it very simple with lots of water and extra rest has been help me to fight off this flu.  Some people say that a fast lowers your immune systems and will cause muscle waisting.  I say you find out for yourself.  Learn to listen to your body and educate yourself.  I would love to hear your thoughts.

Be safe brothers and sisters,


Sunday, October 17, 2010

I label therefore I am.

Hey Guys,
Today we laid the ground work for the next chapter at MBG-Moorpark and MBG-LA, I am very excited about  our progress and prospects for the future.
Today I want to talk about "Labels" and the hangups, judgement and assumptions that come with them.  I am going to be dealing with "Labels" regarding how we eat.  Lets look at a few.

1. Omnivore:  eats both plant and animal-based foods.
2. Flexitarian: inclined to mostly eat vegetarian, but sometimes adds meat.
3. Vegetarian: eats no meat, including fish and shellfish, or any animal byproducts; also known as a lacto-ovo vegetarian (eats dairy and eggs).
4. Lacto-vegetarian: a vegetarian who eats diary products, but not eggs.
5. Ovo-vegetarian: a vegetarian who eats eggs, but not dairy products.
6. Pescetarian: a vegetarian who eats fish (may also avoid factory farmed fish).
7. Vegan: eats no meat, eggs or dairy, and no animal derived ingredients, like gelatin, honey or whey; usually also excludes wearing and other uses of animal products, such as leather, wool, angora and cashmere.
8.  Raw: consists of only unprocessed Vegan foods that have not been heated above 115 degrees Fahrenheit.
9.  Macrobiotic: consumes unprocessed Vegan foods and sometimes, fish generally avoids refined oils, flours and sugars.
10. Fruitarian: eats only plant foods that can be harvested without harming the plant.

Wow, now this does not include all the different diets just the labels for "recognized" labels from the International Vegetarian Union.   Really?? a Union?

As you know at MBG we recommend a  "PLANT BASED" diet, we use those words for a specific reason to avoid all the stigma and judgement that comes with each of the "labels" above.  Our brains have a need to make things ordered for memory and association so it takes a concerted effort to stop judging and labeling.  "The primary cause of disorder in ourselves is the seeking of reality promised by another..." Krishnamurti  although Krishnamurti was speaking of the spiritual self it is also true for your nutritional self, we must each seek to know ourselves, our body and how to provide it with nutrition for optimal health, vitality and wellness.  In order to do this each individual must embark on a journey of self-discovery find out what micro nutrient profile works best for them, what foods give them energy, what foods are energy toxins for them, what preparation strategy works best, and what habits/attitudes they must change to create the best strategy for their optimal wellness.
So let go of the "labels", focus on being the individual, unique and special human being you are, engage yourself in a process of discovery with a childlike sense of play and open mindedness.  We will help to guide you on your journey and I am sure we will learn as much from you as you do from us.
Your mission if you should choose to take it.....start the journey.

Be safe brothers and sisters,

Thursday, October 14, 2010

It is not about the food

Long day today.  Sometimes I am amazed how many different things I can do and places I can go in a single day. Kids to school , clients and off to work.  In order to maintain my energy levels I have to pack a lot of food to bring with me.  One of the most important things you can do is to develop strategies for food preparation.  If you want to stick to your plan you have to "plan" your menu, prepare your meals, portion your servings and remember it bring it with you.
I will give you a few strategies in the coming days to deal with this important part of changing your eating habits.  I bring my cooler bag with me everyday.

MBG1 Restoration
ES yoga with my clients.

MBG2:  Training
Today was a Krav training day. Taught Intro fight, with warm up and drills.  I do not consider this a real workout but it was some activity for the day.

MBG3: Plant Based Nutrition
Great eats today,
Meal 1:  2 Bananas, Coffee,
Snack 1: Organic bar, Essential green drink
Meal 2: Salad from Gourmet Bites, plantains
Snack 2: 1 Banana
Meal 3: 1 bowl muesli and carrot juice.

I have been fighting a tummy bug all week, it seems to be getting somewhat better.

Be Safe Brothers and Sisters,


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Willingness or Willfulness, That is the question.

As part of my ongoing study I read a number of magazines and newsletters one of my favorite reads is Scientific American  - MIND it is full of great articles on how our minds work and process of brain function.  I was reading an article about adherence to programs such as a twelve step or an exercise program.  The research showed that those who have an OPEN mind are more likely to adhere to a program vs the more Willful (Closed minded).  It also speaks of how our own self talk can determine our motivation.  An open mind is asking the question "Will I?"  and the closed mind is saying "I will"  it is interesting and counter intuitive to find that the "Will I?" group even though they are questioning if they can even do the program are talking themselves into being inspired, motivated and looking for that motivation from within.  Where as the "I Will!" group were attempting  to hold themselves to a rigid standard.  The article states "Those asserting will lacked this internal inspiration,which explains in part why their weak commitment to future change."  Interesting is it not?  So those who were asserting will were in effect closing their minds and narrowing their view.  Those who questioned where using a sense of wonder or were "wondering  (the action of having a sense of wonder) and were open to new possibilities.
So 60 day challengers what does this mean to us?  Approach each day with a childlike wonder ask yourself "Will I" develop your motivation, inspiration from within and ACHIEVE your goals.  Willingness to try is more important than rigid standards.  Open your mind.
OK, I am off my soap box now.
Very busy day with workmen at the house and we now have CABLE (sound of angels here).  I had the opportunity to stay home this morning and enjoy some green tea in the backyard.  The sunshine and a slight breeze, made me wonder why I have organized my life in such a way that this is a rare occasion for me.  To actually stop and sit.  Looks like I have some wondering to do.

MBG1: Restoration
Early to bed last night and a lye in this morning felt so good.  Feeling more recovered today and more calm.
ES Yoga outside with Sara she did snoring dog and scratching dog. I did a series of down dog, up dog.

MBG2: Function training
Today was a play day so I played with Sara, and played at the club during class.  No formal sets and reps today. Did the warm up with class we did some extra speed ladder work just for fun.  Note to self: No intense warms ups on a full stomach or the food baby will show up.

MBG3:  Plant Based Nutrition
Great food today.  
Am:  Bananas 5 total throughout the morning & Green tea
snack1: amazing grass bar and water
Lunch: Pita, Hummus and veggie drink
snack2: cashews, Mango Madness drink
Dinner: 2 bowls Trader Joe's blueberry Muesli and Carrot Juice
Eating green, orange, blue, orange and getting lean.

Be safe brothers and sisters,


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Great day of eating and training and now blogging/watching a Gene Lebell DVD on finishing holds.  Currently, he is demonstrating a bear hug where you crush the floating ribs.  Just a little light viewing to relax.
Had a great workout the the MLC -G & D, we did Twofer Tuesday!  We got a great sweat and were totally burned out after the second workout.
Have you got your copy of "The bodies many cries for water yet?"  I am still struggling with getting all my water in so I have been carrying my "Monkey Bar Gym" water bottle everywhere with me and drinking throughout the day.  And let's stay aways from those plastic bottles can you say phyto-estrogen's in parts per trillion?  Sun + Plastic bottles = phytoestrogen's in our body. Oh and guess what your body only recognizes parts per million.
Drink more water and use a stainless bottle preferably a MBG water bottle.

MBG 3:
MBG 1: Restoration
ES yoga with my morning clients and after training.  Sleep was a little lacking last night as the dog was not quite settled in and kept waking me up.  To bed early tonight.

MBG 2: Training
Twofer Tuesday!  15/15 for 32 minutes first set of exercises burpees and jump rope for 16 minutes followed by Hindu squats and mountain climbers for 16 minutes this workout is a great sweat.  We followed that up with Fight Club workout 20 medicine ball slams, 40 sit outs, 60 double jumps, 80 fast hands w rope, 100 resisted punches, we did this 3x AFAP.
Nice workout and I needed it.  As always my MLC crew brought it.

MBG3:  Plant Based Nutrition
Meal 1: Green Drink, nuts and Amazing Grass bar
Snack1: Apple,2 bananas
Meal 2:  Veggie burrito
Snack 2: Amazing Grass bar, water and apple
Meal 3: Good Karma Burger (veggie) from Natural Cafe
Snack 3: Date, grapes

OK, that's it for me for today I am off to my restorative sleep.

Be safe brothers and sisters,


Monday, October 11, 2010

Forgive me Blogger for I have sined. It has been 5 days since my last blog.

OOOOOOKay, the move is behind me and I am back to blogging.  I am most happy about the fact that I have maintained my plant based eating throughout the move.  I am still keeping the caffeine to a minimum which means only a couple cups a week.  I think I got more sore from the weird and strange positions I have to carry boxes and furniture in than a MBG workout. LOL!  But with more than just "a little help from my friends".. I got through it.  So grateful to have a peaceful place to come home to.  And Sara (Dixon's dog) is settling in nicely.  The monkey mommy (Sharon) brought over some vegetarian chili and corn bread for us on Sunday so we didn't have to cook.  A big THANK YOU for that.  I will get you all the recipe in the near future. 

MBG1: Restoration
I have been doing my ES Yoga daily.  And begun to study the books of B.K.S. Iyengar to further deepen my knowledge base.

MBG 2: Training
Lots of lifting of boxes, moving furniture over the weekend.  Today was Dog Brothers (NoHo pack) training with Nick, Matt and the boys.  If you think MMA is fun you should try grappling with sticks and knives.  Puts a whole new wrinkle on things.  Keeping it reality based.  We finished with 3 1:30 sec round of conditioning drills that is after all the grappling drills, take down defense and get up drills (while someone is hitting you with a padded stick from KIL industries). for sticks, knives, DVD etc

MBG 3: Plant Based Nutrition
I have been getting a lot of questions about having to label what it is we do.  Vegan or Vegetarian, we chose Plant Based for a reason people.  There are individual interpretations of each of those words and most have a stereotype they attach with each as well.  I feel no need to label myself either but prefer to allow myself the freedom to choose the healthiest choices for my body as you should do for yours.  A little history is needed here.  I grew up in Florida until I was six and then Alaska from 6th grade on.  We were not a wealthy family by any means so if we wanted meat we had to go and get it ourselves this meant learning to hunt and fish at a early age as well a work to earn money to help the family.  I have made a conscious choice to not kill any more animals unless it's them or me.  So, I have an issue with labels, how about we focus on actions.  Each person must decide for themselves who they are, and what they do.
So still all plant based and having fun with LOTS of ENERGY to burn.  Having great workouts and feeling awesome. 
Today I wanted to play a bit just to keep it interesting so I chose to have a "Green" Day not the band just food that is green.

Meal 1:  Green Drink & carrot juice, banana (only slightly green)
Snack1: Nuts raw, Green Drink
Meal 2: Vegan (here we go w labels again) fried rice with nuts and pineapple from Whole Foods.
Snack 2: Amazing Grass Super greens bar, Green Drink and a Green Tea
Meal 3: Big bowl of spinach salad with beet salad, broccoli slaw, steamed mixed veggies, sunflower seeds w balsamic dressing
Threw some other colors in just for fun.  Still having a bit of a time getting all my caloric intake in, adding the nuts and dates have helped. Going to add a couple of Sun Warrior protein drinks to the mix.

Eat Green and Get Lean,
Be Safe brothers and sisters,


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Just a Quickie

We talked about recovery a lot and I am in need of some right now, so this blog entry is going to be short and sweet.  OK, just short.  I am not known for being sweet.  I had the opportunity to speak in two health classes today at Moorpark College thanks to a friend of MBG-LA basketball coach Remy McCarthy.  Thanks Remy!  The goal of these lectures or talks is to open the minds of the next generation of members to the true availability of functional workouts.  Each time I do the lecture it gives me a little more passion to do more because I can see that I am actually connecting with the students and they seem to respond well to the MBG3.  Let's hope that some of them start thinking out of the "Fitness Box" and start to play again. 
That is the biggest gift MBG has given me are renewed passion to enjoy moving my body in different ways, looking to free up more movement and have fun doing it.  Taking an attitude of play.  It doesn't have to be all about sets and reps. Just play.
I have maintained my eating even through this move, and since all the plates are packed, I have been having to keep it very simple and plan where and when I am going to eat.  I have been packing fruit and nuts with me in my cooler bag for snacks. 

That it for tonight I am off to the dreaming time.

Be safe brothers and sisters,


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Twofer Tuesday

I feel like we are finally getting some where on this move, starting to see lots of empty space at the Casa de dos Miquitos.  To add to the fun I have already moved over most of the dishes, pots and pans.  So I have had to be more creative in my meal preparation.  Thank goodness for Natural Cafe in Moorpark, I have been able to stop in for a solid meal each day.  Tonight I went for the Buddha Burrito which is a veggie burrito with zucchini, summer squash, cauliflower, broccoli, brown rice, guacamole wrapped in a whole grain tortilla this thing is huge and tastes great. Big day tomorrow more moving and I am speaking in two health classes at Moorpark City College.  I get the opportunity to influence some young minds to a more balanced approach to fitness and health.

MBG1: Training
Two-Fer Tuesday at the MLC.  We did Wesley 100 which was a real butt kicker.  Alternate between 10 yards power wheel crawl followed by 10 push ups and Chin ups until you reach a 100 of all three.  Then Alternate between 2 broad jumps and 2 vertical jumps.  My goal on the jumps was to broad jump my height at least and I was averaging 6'5, my vertical is not as good as my broad jump so I was just trying to get full hip extension and a soft landing.
Then we did 10 rounds of 2 minutes Jump Rope sprints with 1 min rest in between rounds.  So we got our sweat on too.
This was a real butt kicker and I am sure I am going to be sore tomorrow.

MBG2: Restoration
Full beginner sequence as a warm up and down dog in between rounds of jump rope.
Sleep was a little short last night due to early clients this morning so call it an early night tonight.

MBG3: Plant Based Nutrition
Breakfast: 1 Banana, 1 Kind bar, Green Tea
Snack 1: 1 apple
Lunch: Health Nut Salad at Roman's (No chicken)
Snack 2:  Tropical mix dried fruit
Dinner: Buddha Burrito at Natural Cafe
Snack 3: AB & J brown rice cakes 3 ea (this is a great snack)

I am feeling increase in cardiovascular efficiency and my energy level is still High.  So far so good.

Be safe Brothers and Sisters,

Monday, October 4, 2010

Hello Monday Monkies,
When we talk about recovery many of our clients think that recovery is mainly about protein uptake post workout.  Which shows you just how well they have done with marketing Whey Protein.  But recovery is much more involved than that and includes all of the following:
____ Post-training nutrition (proper daily caloric amount and
        percentage of protein, carbs and fat)

____ Post-training body temperature regulation (pool, spa,
         or shower)

____ Pre/Post-training muscle tension/length manipulation

____ Monitoring and regulation of sleep (dream log, venting
          dreams, sleep habits)

____ Monitoring and regulation of daily stress levels
 (deletion of unnecessary stressors and/or habits)

____ Monitoring and regulation of Central Nervous system
         stimulation and firing levels

____ Use of post-training recovery agents (vitamins, amino
         acids, immune system support agents, etc.)

____ Mental training (visualization, hypnosis, meditation,
         mental event rehearsal, stress management)

These above items represent the basics of recovery and should be implemented on a daily basis.  Your recovery and progress will be in direct proportion to how well you are incorporating these basic recovery methods into your training program. 
Do not under estimate the power of these basic recovery methods, they are proven effective and will not let you down.  Rate yourself and see how you are doing with each recovery method.
1 - I never do this   3 - I sometimes do this after workouts   5 - I do this after my workouts daily
The eventual goal is to be 3 to 5 on most of the recovery checklist. 

My day was again crazy busy with the move and clients, work and some moving.   Holding fast to my eating plan and really enjoying the discovery process.  As as a growing sense of satisfaction and accomplishment.

MBG1: Training
Worked out in between clients doing some Hand to Hand kettlebell passes, sling shot pass, lateral swings, crush curls.  Took an attitude of play and got caught having fun throwing the kettlebell around. 

MBG2:  Restoration
Had a good sleep 7 hours which is good for me, I usually only sleep six or so.  Rest posture legs on wall with meditation breathing. 
Did ES yoga with my clients.

MBG3: Plant Based Nutrition
Lot of good food today.
Breakfast: 1 apple, green drink, green tea
snack 1: KIND bar w flax, Organic V drink
Lunch: Sweet potato chips, Carrot Juice, 2 bananas
snack 2: N/A
Dinner: Black Bean Enchiladas from Natural Cafe
Snack 3: tropical fruit trail mix, 3 dates, Water

I am laying down a challenge that you get your recovery under control and watch the changes start to happen.

Be Safe Brothers and Sisters

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Mooooooving Forward

The yard sale is done.  Check that off the list, the Goodwill run is done. Check and Check.  The new house is amazing and I am so grateful that a fortunate series of events happened so we can move there.  As you know there can be a lot of stress and anxiety involved in the moving process.  I have been treating this move as I do any project that I work on, develop a plan, make a check list, execute the plan then evaluate the plan, evolve the plan and keep on moving.  Thus there is not as much stress and less potential for mess up on my 60 day challenge goals. 

MBG1: Training
Today the plan was get some movement in while executing the moving plan.  Lots and lots of lifting, reaching, pulling and a ton of walking.  Also, Ashlyn (my daughter) and I hit the trampoline at the New Casa de Dos Miquitos and had a lot of fun and a few laughs too.  As well as I felt obligated to get Sara (Dixon's dog) acclimated to the new environment which meant a perimeter walk and a lot of chase.  She is  a pit bull and has no concept of that retriever thing.  Worked up a good sweat doing both.  It doesn't have to be all about sets and reps folks.

MBG2: Restoration
I did some yoga today at various points to keep my low back loose and picked up a rest posture from Rodney Yee from his article in the Well Being Journal.   Legs up against the wall, great stress reliever and circulation builder. 

MBG3: Plant Based Nutrition
Today was so busy no time for sit down meals so I declared it a grazing day for myself and did so.  Apple here and there, rice chips and hummus while doing the yard sale,  a yam on a break, and we had a late dinner at Natural Cafe "Buddha Burrito" was the awesome!  Ash and I had a talk about quality of food, she has been having tummy troubles (nausea after meals, can you say food allergy? I knew that you could!) so we talked about better quality of foods and avoidance of any food that makes her ill.  She had soup and half sandwich at NC and as were walking out "Its amazing I feel great after eating that" .  I just smiled and nodded having had the same realization the past week.  Leading by example and walking the walk created that moment for me.  So, big Thank you to the Silverback (Jon Hinds) for the come to Jesus meeting. 

Starting to notice the physical changes now too.  More energy, better moods, increased quality of life and my teen aged daughter actually liked me today.  Good things are a happenin. 

Be Safe Brothers and Sisters,

Rollin, rollin, rolling get those doggies rolling, Rawhide!!

I was watching the Blues Brothers last night and had forgot what a fun movie that was and full of talented people.  Love the music, I gotta serious case of the boogie woogie blues, it is a far site better that the Sugar Blues I have been having for the last year.  We are going to talk a lot more about the sugar blues and how be get rid of them at a later date.  Today was a whirlwind of a day and I just got to sit down for the first time now 1:23am.  I taught my morning class at MBG-LA and man did they rock the workout no matter what level they were working (stability, strength or power) they all pushed it, while keeping their alignment right. I can tell you after seeing some other workout systems this is not the case usually it all Ego, competition and reps with no eye for the form or alignment.  That my friends is what I call "Heavy Stupid Training"  or it can also be called the "Joe Weider Show off Principle".  Joe always liked to put his name on every training principle branding, branding, branding.  I had my time of HST (Heavy Stupid Training) and have the damaged joints to prove it. Stick with us folks and we can save you the major training injuries.  Balance is the key.  After the workout I met with the 60 day challengers, they are on point and we finished off the follow up with a discussion on the importance of water.  Water, water, water whenever you hear, see or think about water it will remind you to DRINK WATER! You will have to make my water lecture to get the details on the body mechanism that are involved but for now I want to ask you one question.  What is the first indicator that you are dehydrated?  Post your answer in the comment section or leave me a message on my Facebook. 
After the lecture it was a quick Superman change into my Krav attire so that I could drive the 30+ miles to the Krav Maga Worldwide training center to assist U.S. Chief Instructor Darren Levine teach a seminar to benefit the Marni Fund (dedicated to Darren's late wife Marni Levine).  Darren taught a great seminar dealing with knife threats standing and on the ground.  I managed to escape injury which is no easy task.  Whew!
At the end of the seminar Darren thanked all who had come and shared with them about Marni, saying that Marni thought of me as her trainer.  That got me!  Almost broke down.  Marni was such a special person, instructor, Mother and mentor and in my eyes was the guiding force of Krav Maga here in the U.S.  I still miss her wise council and sparkling spirit.  She was more of a warrior than I will ever be.  Her memory still inspires me to the better parts of my character daily.  No longer with us but never forgotten. 
From the seminar I was off to packing and moving.  I am in process with a move and determine to plan ahead so that this move does not effect my momentum.  So far so good.  It is all about planning meals and workouts as well as having a good moving plan.
OK, on to the daily MBG3.

MBG1: Training
Prior to and during class knowing that I would not have much time to train, I decided to sneak in some Play time on the monkey bars, swinging, jumping from side to side and doing inverted travel on the monkey bars. Not every workout has to be sets and reps.  Some of my best workouts come when I just do have fun.

MBG 2: Restoration
Did some ES yoga postures in warm up and cool down with the class.

MBG 3: Plant Based Nutrition
Lots of good food to day, bananas, yams, green drink, broccoli, left over three bean salad and a great salad after moving boxes at Wood Ranch BBQ known for its garlic rolls and tri tip. I stopped in during one of my Daddy Taxi trips to grab a bite. 
Looks good!!  BBQ chopped salad with Portebello mushrooms and added steamed broccoli.  Yum and filling.
OK, I am off to sleep.

Be Safe Brothers and Sisters,


Friday, October 1, 2010

Energy to burn

The energy I am feeling with our new Plant Based Nutrition is amazing me.  I flew through the day up at 6am to run to Thousand Oaks to see my client Eddie he rocked his workout this morning.  Jumped in the car and raced (at 40 mph) across the valley to meet the MLC for a workout.  Managed to only be 15 minutes late, we did a different workout from MBG-LA due to lack of proper equipment and we had been on a major kettlebell run this week so I want to give us just a mindless sweat.  My energy was amazing (and with no caffeine) as well as my cardio was improved due to my being fully hydrated and fueled by strong plants.  My overall sense of well being has improved as well. Yesterday I had a veggie patty that did not sit well must have been the binders, since the cleanse I am much more in touch with what foods work for me and what does not.  So far veggie patties are a Big No go.
Really enjoyed the workout today with the MLC, great bunch of workout partners and we just get in the zone and go.  A Big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Brianna this weekend. 

MBG1: Training
WOW: Body Power 5x AFAP
20 Hindu controlled jumps, 20 Kettlebell swings, 20 Body Rows, 100 Jump Rope Fwd/Back

This was a great sweat and we flew through it.

MBG2: Restoration
Sleep as been a little off due to resetting all this new found energy, waking up early.  Getting good sleep.
Did the hot/cold/hot/cold shower after workout to flush the lactic acid from my system and regulate my post workout body temperature.  (this is a great way to feel refreshed after an intense workout and help recovery)
follow this blog and I will give you my recovery checklist.
ES Yoga before and after workout.  Basic postures to warm up and then loosen up my low back after.

MBG3: Plant Based Nutrition
Breakfast: Banana, Essential Green Drink & Amazing grass bar
Snack 1:  Essential Green Drink and Amazing grass bar (post workout)  Saw 2 Hot Brownies at Whole Foods.
Mid Day: Bowl of Kashi cereal w Rice Milk
Snack 2:  2 brown rice cakes with hummus
Dinner: Three bean salad w mango salsa
Looks yummy does it not?  Quinoa, Brown Rice, Red Kidney Beans, Chickpeas, Mango salsa

Looking forward to the 60 day challengers check in tomorrow, I hope they have been good.  Also, teaching with Master Darren Levine for STOP CANCER and the Marni Fund

Be safe brothers and sisters,
